Portugal sweeps Croatia (video)



Portugal sweeps Croatia (video)


The Portuguese team started the defense of the European Championship, with a landslide victory over its Croatian guest (4-1), in the meeting that brought them together today at the “Dragao” stadium in Porto.

And the “Brazilians of Europe” squad was signed by João Cancelo, Diego Guetta, Joao Félix and André Silva in the minutes (41, 58, 70 and 90), respectively.

Meanwhile, Croatian Bruno Petkovic scored the goal for his orphan country as the match breathed for the last time.


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Bee looks for Ronaldo

It should be noted that the historic leader and scorer of the Portuguese star, Cristiano Ronaldo, missed this match, due to an infection in the toe of his right foot, due to a “bee sting.”

Portugal, champion of the first edition of this continental tournament and also of the European Cup, won all three match points and topped the first group list for the first level (A3) of the European League of Nations, ahead of France on goal difference, which in turn defeated its Swedish host with one goal.

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In the video, a girl shames Ronaldo with a daring request

Source: RT
