President Al-Sisi warned him … Saudi Arabia has revealed a disease that spreads and is one of the main causes of corona infection


The General Secretariat of the Saudi Arabian Health Council, in cooperation with the World Bank, carried out an extensive global study to find out “the effect of obesity on virus infection.” Crown“.

The Secretary General of the Health Council of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Nahar bin Muzaki Al-Azmi, said: “The study is one of the fruits of strategic scientific cooperation with the World Bank, through which the Council seeks to provide an environment fertile for the transfer of experience and knowledge through international and local experts from the health sectors represented in the Council to the sons and daughters of the country. Since its inception, it has been working on publishing reports that shed light on the most important challenges facing the Saudi health system and proposing laws, mechanisms and systems that overcome these obstacles.

And Dr. Al-Azmy claimed that this study, which was conducted by researchers with the support of the Council, concluded that obesity increases risk. Corona infection Novelty (Covid-19), which also increases the risk of death; As a consequence of the virus infection, in addition to the risks of entering the intensive care unit after contracting the disease.

He added that the research study was conducted by a team made up of (Dr. Taghreed Al-Ghaith, Muhammad Al-Luhaidan, Dr. Christopher Herbst and Dr. Perry Pippin) to look for a relationship between obesity and infection with the emerging coronavirusCOVID-19).

And after standardized scientific research, The team found many internationally published studies in this field, leading them to look at the research comprehensively (Meta-analysis) To discover answers to that question – and praise God – they were able to answer it through four aspects, namely:

oneIt was found that there is a relationship between infection with the emerging disease corona virus and obesity, as obese people are 47% more likely to have the disease compared to others.

twoThe results indicated that obese patients are more than twice as likely to be admitted to the hospital (113%).

3With regard to admission to intensive care and critical cases, it was found that obese people are 74% more likely than others to enter intensive care.

4By looking at deaths due to the emerging corona virus, they found that obese people are 48% more obese.

Notably, the Saudi Health Council recently launched a series of specialized electronic platforms to provide comprehensive interactive services on the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), as well as an interactive map to track numbers and cases of infection by Coronavirus worldwide, as well as a smart assistant to answer queries in different international languages. , As part of the Council’s efforts to deal with the emerging coronavirus, and the need to take the necessary measures to control it and limit its spread, and to preserve the health of citizens and residents of the Kingdom.

In early 2018, President Abdel Fattah warned Yes Yes On obesity, a comment According to what was announced by Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, there are about 11 million citizens who suffer from diseases, after surveying some 17 million people with a comprehensive medical survey campaign to detect virus C and non-communicable diseases, and the presence of 75% of the Egyptians surveyed, weighing above the average. Natural.
