The Prosecutor: We have taken precautionary measures to protect Corona detainees.


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Counselor Hamada El-Sawy, Prosecutor General, held an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the Arab House of Representatives on Wednesday, chaired by the videoconference technique, “videoconference”, within the terms of the strategy developed by the Public Ministry from Egypt to achieve the policy adopted by other Egyptian state institutions to face the consequences of a virus pandemic. Crown at national and Arab level.

The Attorney General began the meeting with an opening speech in which he clarified the objective of holding the meeting, which is the exchange of experiences and the identification of best practices that the prosecution of the Member States has applied, and the measures that have taken to address the repercussions of that pandemic; In order to preserve the health and safety of citizens and members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Member States and their employees and workers, as well as those detained and imprisoned, in a way that does not violate the rules of full criminal justice and the good application of the law.

The Attorney General stated that the Egyptian prosecutor closely followed the repercussions of that crisis from its inception, as he took a series of proactive precautions to protect the public from prosecutors’ litigators at the republic level, prosecutors, employees and workers by the same, as well as those detained in preventive detention, imprisoned and placed in care homes, while they played. By reviewing all the judgments issued by the juvenile courts depositing the accused children in welfare institutions and taking steps to replace them with other measures to expel them from these institutions, I have reviewed all the decisions of the Prosecutor’s Office issued Children at risk they are called to the care function and take steps to remove them from them as much as possible, while considering the redistribution of the detained children to avoid overcrowding, and the Egyptian Prosecutor’s Office is preparing to establish an electronic mechanism to consider orders to extend the arrests of the accused in preventive detention by contacting the members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office with the accused in the meeting technique Remote video «videoconference»; This is to limit their transfer to prosecution offices and their mix between themselves and with others, and to help provide transportation costs and ease the burden of surveillance, as the Egyptian Prosecutor’s Office assigned its members to their representatives before Courts considering orders to extend pretrial detention of defendants by requiring that these orders be replaced by alternative alternative preventive measures in lieu of pretrial detention. When it is possible.

The Attorney General reviewed the package of measures taken by the Egyptian Public Ministry to maintain the safety of its members, employees and employees during the performance of their work, as it stopped the use of fingerprint devices to test the attendance and departure of employees and prosecutors, and took steps to coordinate with relevant health directorates to purify and sterilize member offices, restrooms, personnel offices, and the whereabouts of workers. , The places of detention of the accused, and reduced the number of members, employees and employees by dividing the work among them by the group system according to the need of each prosecution, and without prejudice to the performance of the work, as well as provide a sufficient number of Yeh jacket and shoe covers for sterilized prosecutors and sterilized investigative employees to wear during their trip to debate the bodies or conduct inspections or investigations within hospitals, and sent a sufficient number of sterilizing masks, gloves, hands for all prosecutors at the Republic level.

The Attorney General affirmed his great interest in activating the digital transformation policy for the application of the law and applying it to all actions of the Prosecutor’s Office, since it is one of the basic ways to reduce the mix in current circumstances, in addition to time. , the effort and the costs it provides.

He noted what the Public Ministry has done during that crisis to increase legal awareness among citizens about the penalties for crimes that are common in such circumstances, so that it achieves a role in preventing them, emphasizing addressing them, prosecuting perpetrators, and taking the necessary legal measures against them, since this awareness came in the form of Various statements issued by the Public Ministry on the handling of rumors, statements and false news circulating about the “Corona” virus on social networks and on various news sites as stipulated in the Penal Code and the Law on the fight against information crimes, and asking society to comply with what is happening. The state institutions decreed it due to the decisions to confront the virus and clarify the sanctions for violating it, and confirm to address some common crimes during that crisis, such as the crimes of fraudulent preventive medical tools and materials and some strategic products and essential vital needs and the storage of large quantities of them to monopolize and sell them at more than the official programmed price, and not commit to closing stores on the specified dates Showing images of their commission and sanctions, confirming their response and cooperating with other parties who assisted in this, and the Egyptian Prosecutor’s Office announced the results of some investigations into those crimes and the measures taken by the defendants, which were Its effect in reducing them later.

On the other hand, the Attorney General and the House of Representatives confirmed the aspiration of the audience to hold future workshops to complete the previous activities of the association; Improve mechanisms for international judicial cooperation between Member States in the field of criminal prosecution in all its forms, and increase and improve the technical and administrative capacities of public prosecutions in the Member States during the fight against all forms of crime, especially terrorist crimes and their financing, corruption and money laundering, electronic crimes, human trafficking and migrant smuggling, and transnational organized crime In all its patterns, how to confront it and collect evidence on it using innovative and renewable methods and techniques that follow the pace of rapid development of criminal investigation techniques in the modern era, and help to persecute perpetrators in all parts of the world, and working to dry up the sources of E inspire and dissipate an entire safe haven for them, emphasizing the provision of Egyptian sovereignty and the prosecutor to provide unite all forms of support to the Assembly, thus contributing to the achievement of its objectives and those objectives.

After the assistance of the Attorney General reviewed the efforts made by prosecutors in their countries to face this crisis, expressing the importance of holding this meeting, the Attorney General pointed out the similarity of the measures taken by prosecutors in the member states, what indicating the convergence of visions, and also indicated the need to assess the progress of work during this period. To learn about the positive aspects to reinforce it and the negative aspects to work to avoid them, call to take advantage of this crisis to change the behavior of the litigants in the prosecution offices and the courts during the next period.

The Attorney General ended the meeting by referring to his aspirations to strengthen joint training courses among member states in the field of criminal investigation, and preparing a registry of specialized experts in this field from other member states for future use in all activities of the association and during the representation before various conferences, and the attendees agreed on the need to direct Invite the rest of the prosecutors of the Arab countries to join this association. Improve the exchange of experiences with them and create a website and pages on it on social networks to publicize their objectives, activities and basic information for each prosecutor in the Member States.

The Attorney General concluded the meeting by inviting them to a meeting soon in his second country, Egypt, after his wishes that the pandemic of this epidemic end soon.

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recover


  • Mortality

