Video .. Presidential health adviser: The State is considering imposing a comprehensive ban to confront Corona


Amr Mohamed

Published in:
Monday, May 11, 2020 – 1:55 a.m.
The | Last update:
Monday, May 11, 2020 – 2:31 a.m.

Dr. Muhammad Awad Tajuddin, Adviser to the President of the Republic for Health and Prevention, described the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) as very fierce, stubborn and rapidly spreading, highlighting that these characteristics are one of the reasons for increasing the number of infections.

He said in a phone call to the “Citizen Citizen” program broadcast on the Al-Hadath Al-Youm satellite channel Sunday night, that the state may have to take stricter measures to deal with the spread of the new Corona virus, explaining that the The state may have to impose a comprehensive ban in light of rising infections because human health is the priority.

He noted that the preventive solution to avoid infection and eliminate Corona’s “nightmare” is to adhere to preventive measures.

He said an increase in coronavirus infections is expected, and that citizens should stay apart, avoid meetings, and force the elderly and chronically ill to stay home and not leave.

He stressed that the state may have to take stricter measures to deal with the Corona outbreak, and that the state is considering taking these measures to limit the movement to protect the citizen, the state, and the economy.

He explained that human health is the priority the state wants to observe, noting that the state may have to impose a comprehensive ban to deal with the outbreak of the epidemic, since Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, the prime minister in all his statements during the last period after each meeting, confirmed the possibility of taking these strict measures. .

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced that 436 new cases had been registered, which showed positive laboratory analyzes of the virus, as part of the ministry’s surveillance and investigation procedures in accordance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization, noting the death of 11 new cases.

The ministry said in a statement yesterday that the number of cases in which laboratory test results went from positive to negative for Corona virus (Covid-19) increased to 2,556 cases, including 2,075 recovered.

The ministry noted that 73 of those infected with the Coronavirus were discharged from isolation and quarantine hospitals, after receiving the necessary medical attention and recovery according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, leading to the total of those who recover from the virus to 2075 cases to date.
