The Doctors: Representative Dough seeks fame and propaganda for himself at the expense of those who lay down their lives for the sick.


Muhammad Fathi

Published in:
Sunday May 10, 2020 – 6:02 PM
The | Last update:
Sunday May 10, 2020 – 6:02 PM

Union: The deputy violated the constitution and the law within Sherbin Hospital. We will take legal action against him

The Council of Medical Unions announced its rejection of what House Member of Representatives Ilhami Ajinah did while at Sherbin Hospital in Dakahlia Governorate yesterday, and who verbally assaulted the medical team, intimidated and incited them against premeditated way.

The union stated, in a statement today, that the deputy invaded the sanctity of patients, photographed medical files, disturbed the public peace by causing fear among hospital staff, and violated the rules and infection control decisions of the Minister of Health. and the World Health Organization to combat the Corona virus.

She indicated that he posted a video of this on her page, which is an attempt to smear and incite doctors.

The General Union of Physicians offered greetings to physicians who insisted on preserving the dignity, dignity and privacy of their patients that the MP violated, and emphasized that, in coordination with the Dakahlia Union of Physicians, it will take all necessary legal measures. against the aforementioned member, in front of the Public Prosecutor and the competent judicial authorities, as well as the President of Parliament.

The statement stated that the deputy violated the constitution and the law in the corridors of Sherbin Hospital, at a time when masses of doctors face death every day in all hospitals with open hearts and with a heart that knows no fear and a conscience that knows no failure and escapes responsibility, regardless of the circumstances.

She continued: “It became clear the number of injuries and deaths inflicted on medical personnel, the severity of the situation in which they work under difficult working conditions and their exposure to the risk of infection, and even the weak financial budget for them in return of their sacrifices in their lives to treat the people of the homeland, but we were surprised by a deputy who sought fame and propaganda for himself. The story of those who give their lives as a sacrifice for the sick in a situation that is less than which is described as a crime against everyone. “
