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The 2008 Nobel Prize winner for discovering the virus that causes AIDS, Luc Montagnier, said the Corona virus was created in a laboratory because it contains HIV particles.
The professor said in an interview with a local newspaper that the new coronavirus came from Wuhan in China, but was established in a laboratory where researchers inserted parts of the DNA of the HIV virus, and then the coronavirus spread due to an “industrial accident” .
The virologist considers the novel about the infection of people with the virus of wild animals as a beautiful legend.
Montagnier believes that innovation (the new Corona virus) started in the early 2000s, and the world said this could have happened by trying to make a vaccine that protects against HIV.
World opinion was confirmed by the study of two Chinese biologists, Putao Xiaoli and Li. They concluded that the source of the disease is the scientific laboratories located in Wuhan, 280 meters from the seafood market. The experiments are carried out on bats.
In addition, scientists are talking about another laboratory, 12 kilometers from the seafood market, where experiments were carried out with the “SARS-Cove” virus, which caused the SARS epidemic in 2002-2003, and bats carry it, according to “Daily”. Thousands “.