6 new decisions of the Board of Directors of Al-Ahly Club … Know them


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The Board of Directors of the Al-Ahly Club met, headed by Mahmoud Al-Khatib, today Thursday, through “videoconferencing” technology, in accordance with the precautionary measures to face the Corona virus, and at its meeting the council discussed a series of important files within the club and made several new decisions.

The most important decisions of the National Council in its meeting today were the following:

1- Approval of the renewal for all managers, with the assignment of Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Nahhas to the position of director of the club’s branch in Nasr City.

2- Assign Muhammad al-Alfi, Director of Services in the clubhouse on the island, to supervise the services and all the points of sale also in the different branches of the club.

3- Promotion of Ashraf Omar Mohamed to the position of Deputy Director of the Marketing Department, provided that the evaluation is reevaluated within 3 months with respect to the renewal of trust, since the Board of Directors seeks to achieve its objective of providing better services to club members.

4- The Council approved the work of Tariq Mahrous, technical director of the men’s handball team, as an analyst in the Handball World Cup, which will be hosted by Egypt during the period from January 13 to 31.

5- The Al-Ahly Council approved the work of Yasser Al-Ramli, head of the club’s handball apparatus, as coordinator of the International Gaming Federation during the upcoming World Championship activities.

6- The Board of Directors of Al-Ahly called on all the members and the different sports teams of the need to vigorously return to take all precautionary and preventive measures to face the Corona virus, in order to preserve safety of all.

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality

