4000 rockets were fired in Tel Aviv … war fire is coming and Israel is preparing for Hezbollah attacks


The Israeli Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday that Israel was preparing for attacks coming from the Lebanese Hezbollah, which would trigger war in the region.

The “Jerusalem Post” said that the Israeli army is preparing to receive 4,000 rockets a day from Hezbollah, emphasizing that its ability to fire ground-to-ground fire is greater than the capacity of 95% of the world’s armies, and it can launch 4000 missiles a day.

The Israeli newspaper pointed to Hezbollah’s military capabilities in the coming war, emphasizing that it could fire up to 4,000 rockets a day, compared to a total of fewer than 4,000 rockets fired during the July 2006 war.

Colonel Eli Bar-On, a reservist in the Israeli occupation army, wrote an article in the “Jerusalem Post” in which he confirmed that Israeli military experts indicate that Hezbollah now has several dozen precision-guided missiles, “and this capacity will allow the party to carry out targeted attacks in any conflict. ” My future is with Israel and targeting the strategic important sites.

He added that Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah had repeatedly threatened to use his long-range missiles to attack the Israeli nuclear power reactor in Dimona, while the traditional threat had become a top priority for Israel.

He added that Iran and Hezbollah are also participating in efforts to build precision guided munitions (PGMs), emphasizing that Iran has tried to smuggle precision targeting groups into Lebanon to ensure that Hezbollah’s projectiles hit their targets and that the munitions. of the party are not wasted.

The writer referred to Israel’s attack with some 4,000 rockets fired during the 34 days of fighting in 2006.

By comparison, the writer continued, in 2006, with a much weaker arsenal, Hezbollah rockets hit Israeli schools, hospitals and civilian sites. Approximately 300,000 Israelis were internally displaced during the war, 43 people and 12 soldiers died within Israel, thousands were injured and massive property damage was caused.

The Israeli writer concluded that the party’s arsenal of missiles has increased to 170,000 missiles and rocket-propelled grenades, by some estimates, and includes short-range unguided missiles, long-range missiles and missiles with a range of more than 300 km, plus hundreds of attack drones.
