£ 40 for the apartment and £ 20k ​​for hotels All you need to know about the new cleaning fees


Friday, August 28, 2020 10:58 PM

Cleaning fee -

Cleaning Fee – File

A bill on the enactment of a law regulating waste management revealed new cleaning fees after the House of Representatives passed during its plenary session chaired by Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, and that was finally done after that the parliament had already finished discussing it in its previous sessions.
In accordance with the draft law, a body with the name of Waste Regulatory Authority will be established as a public body with public legal personality, with general policies and obligations for the persons authorized to carry out any of the integral waste management activities. , forcing them to exercise this activity in a healthy and healthy way. And environmentally speaking.

The bill grants the competent administrative authorities the right to establish a public limited company in order to implement any of the comprehensive waste management services, as well as to grant companies and establishments whose main purpose is to carry out comprehensive waste management operations with the advantages, guarantees, exemptions and incentives provided in the investment law promulgated by Law No. 72 of 2017.

The echo of the country reviews the most outstanding rates that entered the law, as follows:

1- From 2:40 pounds for residential units.

2- 5,000 pounds per month for government and business sector establishments.

3- 20 thousand pounds per month for tourist and sports establishments, shopping centers and hotels.

4- From 30 pounds to 100 pounds per month for independent business units and units used as headquarters for the activities of professions and self-employment.

5- Does not exceed 20 thousand pounds per month for commercial and industrial establishments, and space land used for commercial activities, and companies And the administrative buildings of the private sector, shopping centers, hotels, sports facilities and similar facilities or activities.

6thExempt places of worship from paying this fee, as well as exempt micro-businesses from half the fees prescribed in this article.

According to the article, a decision is issued to determine the controls and categories of this rate by the Prime Minister after the approval of the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the interested minister, and these categories can be increased every two years by the same administration. 10% of the value of the aforementioned categories, provided that the total of this increase does not exceed twice the prescribed maximum. By category.

