22 complaints to the Public Ministry against Murtaza Mansour. What is its history?


02:14 pm

Thursday 12 November 2020

Books – Tariq Samir:

The Public Ministry received several communications against Mortada Mansour, especially after assuming the presidency of the Zamalek Club, the accusations were limited to insulting public and sports figures, wasting money and trading currency, but the president of Castillo Blanco has not yet been subjected to investigations for parliamentary immunity.
The elections were not in favor of the president of the White Club in the new parliamentary session, which means that his current term (immunity) in the House of Representatives will end on January 9, according to article 106 of the Constitution, which means that investigations on these reports or some of them may be initiated after your membership ends.
Article 106 establishes: “The duration of the membership of Parliament is five calendar years, starting from the date of its first meeting, and the election of a new Parliament will take place within the sixty days prior to the end of its mandate” .

“Masrawy” monitors, during the following report, the 22 most outstanding communications that they presented to the Attorney General against Mortada Mansour during her tenure at the White Club:

Al-Ahly Attorney

Muhammad Othman, a former legal adviser to the Al-Ahly club, filed a complaint against the Zamalek president on June 13, accusing him of insulting, defaming and spreading rumors against him.
“Mansour” said in his communication No. 24695 that “Mansour” used to distort his image for no reason, and because he was only the legal advisor of the Al-Ahly club, through the Zamalek satellite channel and Mansour’s Facebook account, with the goal of smearing you and damaging your reputation.

Fraud and waste of money

Lawyer Samir Sabry presented numerous communications against the parliamentarian, including one he presented on July 12, accusing him of assaulting him.
The statement said that “he presented a communication against this being after the video published on all social networks, which included poor words and insults to the Egyptian people, and his oath of divorce is that there is no man in Egypt.”
“Sabri” said: “Mortada called him in full view of all the lawyers in the office and attacked me with obscene words and threats, swearing that he would imprison me.”
On August 30, Sabri announced that she had filed a complaint against the president of Castillo Blanco, accusing him of expelling the Minister of Youth and Sports at the inauguration ceremony of new facilities and gyms at Zamalek Club.

Sabri said: “Although the gyms and facilities he installed violated the law without licenses or permits, Murtaza Mansour, the Minister of Youth and Sports, was expelled in front of the club’s fans and security personnel. He even committed this behavior when not carry out his order to expel the minister. And how to get back and get back in.
On October 20, the 50th lawyer, Mortada Mansour, was charged again with the crime of falsification of powers.

He said in his statement: “The president of Zamalek has filed complaints against various media professionals and public figures, and these cases have been registered before the courts, and given that these cases require special powers to initiate investigation and attend to them until the criminal case begins. However, these cases exceeded the 100 cases in which Mortada Mansour was released. A special power of attorney for each case that the Zamalek club documents in closed periods.
He added: “However, when examining these agencies, I found that at a glance, the signature at the bottom of those agencies was different from each other, which raised suspicions and suspicions that these powers were not valid, which led to examine those agencies through a consulting office in the comparison and analysis of lines, unless the result appears. ” That all these agencies are forged. The communication accused Murtaza Mansour of committing the crime of falsifying the official editor, which deserves punishment.
On November 3, he demanded that the president of the white club be prosecuted and his immunity waived on charges of seizing £ 1.3 billion of Zamalek’s money.

The author stated that: “He was surprised by a video by journalist Abdel Nasser Zidan on his YouTube page in which he accused Mortada Mansour of seizing £ 1 billion 380 million of funds from the Zamalek club in a 2019-2020 year, after the matter was discovered by the committee formed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports ”.
He called for an investigation into Mortada’s accusation of covering up the crime of wasting money within the Zamalek club, saying in his statement: “I was surprised by a video of captain Tamer Abdel Hamid, player and coach of the Zamalek Club and former Egyptian team, in his YouTube page, explaining the incident of squandering 750 million pounds of Zamalek’s money. “
He added: “This came about through embezzlement and black market currency exchange through secret accounts … in addition to the waste of 6 million pounds, the value of renting billboards above the Zamalek Club, which Mortada Mansour exploits for his personal opinions. “

Currency trading

On July 15, Mamdouh Abbas, former president of the Zamalek Club, presented an official memorandum to the Attorney General, Counselor, Hamada Al-Sawy, with the number 28948 of 2020, in which he requested that the investigations in Case No. 240 be resumed of 2018 for greater public funds, with the beginning of the legal measures related to the remission of the House of Representatives to lift the parliamentary immunity of Mortada Mansour for the investigation of the charges against him in the proceedings.
In his memo to the Attorney General, Abbas demanded that the file be reopened in accordance with the prosecution’s investigations and the witness testimony of the Zamalek Club’s auditors that Mortada Mansour and Hani Zadeh exchanged $ 2 million and 714,000 of the club money on the black market illegally in the period of 2016. Until 2018, which was the period during which the exchange rate was liberalized.

Insults to the Red Castle

The Al-Ahly Club had most of the communications presented to the Prosecutor General against Murtado Mansour, during the last period Captain Mahmoud Al-Khatib, the head of Al-Ahly, filed 13 complaints against him, while the Prosecutor’s Office requested , after the House of Representatives in accordance with the law lifted the immunity of Counselor Mortada Mansour, but the legislative committee of the Council Representatives rejected all requests for denial of immunity.
All the reports of the Al-Ahly club against the president of the White Castle were limited to accusations of insulting, insulting and defaming Captain Mahmoud Al-Khatib, the club’s board of directors, through television screens and the “Mansour” page of the website “Facebook”.
In each video in which “Mansour” appears, confirming that if the law is applied to him, his followers, who are millions, according to him, will not be silent.

Offending the Olympic Committee

The Olympic Committee submitted a notification to the Attorney General, on September 30, in which it read: “The Egyptian Olympic Committee states that the statements made by the President of the Zamalek Club regarding the letters circulating between the Committee, Hassan Mustafa, President of the International Handball Federation and the International Olympic Committee, are incorrect, including phrases in the interest of the state. Egypt and damage its interests. “
He explained: “The president of the aforementioned club wanted to present a communication on this speech, because the aforementioned was unfounded. An investigation was carried out with the knowledge of the Supreme State Security Prosecutor’s Office, and investigations were ordered to the sovereign bodies on the validity of this speech and what it contained, as well as its implementation “. For a technical committee to examine the computers of the Egyptian Olympic Committee and all the stamps that the committee uses in the official documents that it sends to the different authorities.

And he continued: “The type of works used in these works was also examined, and it was found that all the seals of the committee differ in their entirety and in detail from the seals stamped with the battered letters that the president of Zamalek claims had dropped out of the Olympic Committee, and the technical examination committee demonstrated that the papers used by the Olympic Committee differ Exactly from the size and weight of the paper containing the crossed-out speech, in addition to the absence of any letters or correspondence regarding the Committee’s computers Olympic.
And he continued: “The matter is clearly evident and unequivocal with the slander and claim of the president of the Zamalek club, and his violation of the just legal reality, and that the president of the aforementioned club wants nothing more than malice and insults to the sports symbols of Egypt, especially Hassan Mustafa.

Travel prohibited

Kamal Shuaib, the lawyer for Mamdouh Abbas, former president of the Zamalek Club, filed a complaint against “Mansour” this November demanding that he be banned from traveling and confiscated his money, after the subcommittee, in the eighth district, located in the Center Mit Ghamr in Dakahlia, will announce the result and the obtaining of Mortada Mansour. In sixth place among the candidates of the department.
“Shuaib” said in press releases that after his defeat in the elections, he could be investigated in the reports filed against him with the prosecution.
