15 pieces of information about the new medicine remedifever for the treatment of people with the HIV virus


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The US Food and Drug Administration. USA It has allowed the use of the experimental drug Remedisfer to treat people with coronavirus in a mosque, according to United States President Donald Trump, allowing Gilead Sciences to use the experimental drug Remediesir on an emergency basis to treat people. with the Corona virus, as scientists ran globally to develop vaccines. And treatments to reduce the Corona pandemic.

The CEO of the company that produced the experimental drug Remedisfer, Daniel Udi, described the procedure during a meeting with “Trump” at the White House as an important first step, saying that the company donated 1.5 million doses of Remisdiver. to help patients, saying, “We want to make sure” There are no obstacles related to the arrival of Remdisifer for people with coronaviruses. “

Praised the experimental drug remediffer for the treatment of the coronavirus, Anthony Stephen Fuchi, American immunologist, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who works in the team of the White House to fight the Corona virus, and highlighted that the clinical results The treatment gave a ray of hope towards the treatment of the Corona virus, where the treatment accelerates the recovery of people infected with “Covid-19”, which is why it was described as a “very important first step” in the treatment of people with the coronavirus.

Therefore, you can learn about the remedial medicine with us through the following points, according to the news website of the American newspaper “New York Post”:

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The experimental drug remedivir Antiviral, developed by the American pharmaceutical company «Gilead Sciences»

– It was a drug target Demo remisdefer Originally due to fighting the Ebola virus after an outbreak in 2013, he was unable to treat the disease.

Despite medication failures Remdisiver Preliminary, however, it has been shown to be effective against SARS and SKS syndrome in the Middle East, and has been tested in clinical trials to ensure its suitability for treatment of the emerging virus “Covid-19,” according to the news website. “Digital trends”.

It is currently a medicine. Remdisiver It is the most desirable treatment for best results in reducing the virus, according to researcher Molecular Viruses at the University of Maine, USA. USA, Melissa Magnes.

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The medication works Remdisiver Target the Corona virus without harming other cells in the patient.

– Accelerates cures for the virus, as the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases issued that those who took “Remisevir” were cured after 11 days, while those who did not take it took 15 days to recover.

– The results of clinical trials conducted on more than 1000 people infected with the emerging coronavirus showed their response to treatment.

The improvement percentage was 31%, and response to treatment was rapid, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Regarding the side effects of treatment, a study released by the drug’s manufacturer revealed that nausea, shortness of breath, and elevated liver enzymes are the most negative reactions, and use a drug Remdisiver By intravenous injection.

Medication Remdisiver Only a verifiable drug, not a miracle cure.

American doctors need to know more about a drug. RemdisiverBut they are considered a drug Remdisiver It is a prelude to the emergence of better treatments for the disease.

Remediffer has obtained the required license to start using it on patients, particularly “in an emergency.”

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The American National Institute of Infectious Diseases questioned a drug Remdisiver“The results are positive, but modest,” he said.

China has raised doubts about a drug RemdisiverAnd she said that it is completely ineffective with the new Corona virus, and that the results of her experiments turned out to be a failure.

On April 28, Japan announced that it will adopt the repairing medication as a treatment for patients with the Corona virus.

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