1435 Corona deaths in America … and two injured in China


Source: Washington – France Press

The United States has recorded 1,453 additional deaths from the emerging coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to more than 66,000, according to a survey published by Johns Hopkins University on Sunday morning.

The university recorded more than 1.1 million Covid-19 cases in the country and 66,224 deaths, an increase of 2% compared to Saturday’s result.

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Although the number of victims remains high, the federal states are on the way to lifting the quarantine measures.

The FDA, the US authority to regulate the drug market, has urgently allowed the use of the experimental drug “Ramsdevir,” which it says may help heal patients.

From AmericaFrom America

To revive the economy, more than 35 of the 50 states of EE. USA They have begun to lift, or are about to do, the strict isolation measures that they have imposed, while the demonstrations of “reopening of the United States” have multiplied throughout the country.

Two injured in China

In China, data from the National Health Commission showed on Sunday that the country registered two cases of coronavirus yesterday after registering one case the day before. The committee said that one of the two cases was from abroad. China registered a case from abroad the previous day and no internal cases were reported.

The committee also recorded 12 symptom-free cases yesterday, compared to 20 symptom-free cases the day before. The number of confirmed cases in China was 82,877. The country did not record any new deaths, leaving the number of deaths at 4,633.

From ChinaFrom China

The situation in Mexico

In Mexico, the Mexican Ministry of Health recorded 1,349 new cases of coronavirus and 89 deaths on Saturday, bringing the total number of infections to 22,088 and the total deaths to 2061.

Ricardo Sheffield, head of Mexico’s Consumer Protection Agency, announced on Twitter that he had been infected with the Corona virus, becoming the second-largest federal government official to become infected with the virus.

A leap into India’s wounds

India recorded the biggest jump in a day on Sunday with the number of new cases of coronavirus, as the country with a population of 1.3 billion people enters on the 40th day of the country’s closure.

The number of cases in the country approached 40 thousand cases, and the number of deaths reached 1301 cases, including 83 deaths in the last 24 hours, which also registered 2,600 new cases.

Authorities extended the six-week closure procedures, which were supposed to end on Monday, for another two weeks with some flexibility.

From AmericaFrom America

The Covid-19 epidemic has killed at least 241,682 people since the pandemic first appeared in China last December, according to an AFP count based on official sources at 7:00 p.m. GMT on Saturday.

More than 3,398,390 injuries were reported in 195 countries and regions. This number reflects only a part of the actual number of injured, as tests to detect injuries in several countries are still limited to cases requiring hospital care, while at least 1,023,900 recovered.

The United States is the country most affected by the epidemic, followed by Italy, Great Britain, Spain and France.

In mainland China (excluding Macao and Hong Kong), a total of 82,875 injuries were officially recorded (one new injury between Friday and Saturday), including 4,633 deaths (with no new deaths), as well as 77,642 recovery cases.
