Eat to Build Muscle – Diet and Food Plan

You can do heavy squats and curls until your quads and biceps scream for mercy, and still you can’t build the muscle you want.

What’s going on?

If you’re having trouble building muscle despite your dedication to the gym, your problem is probably not your workout, but your diet and lifestyle.

Building muscle is a complex science. It is a fusion of your lifting, your nutrition, your hormones and your rest. So, suppose you are doing everything right in the gym, following a good program, and trying very hard. Keep going.

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But now let’s focus on the other things. Are you getting enough protein and calories? Are you supporting your endocrine system correctly? Are you sleeping well? Adjusting these crucial variables will result in the type of muscle a T-shirt fills, and more.

“Nutrition is the cornerstone of lean muscle building,” says nutritionist and exercise physiologist Jim White, RD “If the protein is not there, it will not help your muscles grow.” If the carbs are not there, you will feel slow. If the fat is not there, it will affect energy levels and overall health. “

In short, it’s time to master the gentle art of building hard muscle:food hour. His diet must be strategically choreographed to speed up the repair and growth process that follows that strenuous training session he’s so proud of.

White knows the correct formula. A former skinny athlete, he described himself as a “tough winner,” frustrated by his inability to grow and strengthen and run faster. Then he took a look at his poor diet: he ate like a bird. He rarely touched fruits and vegetables. He gravitated toward sugary processed garbage.

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Her nutritional training opened her eyes to her problem, and changed her body and her life. He started eating six meals a day, increased his daily calories to 3,500, and began experimenting with different percentages of macronutrients until he found the sweet spot.

Suddenly, his energy skyrocketed, making his time at the gym more productive. Now he’s up, added 70 pounds of lean muscle, and saw huge gains in strength. The guy who struggled to lift 65 pounds can now press 295.

Best Muscle Meals: A 3-Week BS-Free Plan For Big Gains

White shares his story of total body transformation and the plan that got him there in the new book Men’s Health The best meals for muscle. Here’s a sample of White’s muscle development plan, below. To refine your own massive growth, take a copy of The best foods for muscle; is packed with White’s expert advice and easy-to-cook, tasty meals with the right mix of macronutrients to fuel your transition.

1. Eat more protein

A man and a woman in sportswear making and drinking protein drinks while sitting on the concrete floor

Peter Berglund

The actual process of muscle growth, when cells rush to rebuild your torn muscle fibers, doesn’t happen in the gym but after your workout, when you’re resting. And the composition of what you eat before and after stressing that muscle can mean the difference between building or destroying muscle.

Making sure you’re eating enough protein is paramount for two reasons:

1. Proteins deliver the amino acids that make up the building blocks of muscle. When intense weight lifting breaks down, muscle protein synthesis provides the proteins needed to repair that muscle and stimulate it to grow.

2. Your body also searches for protein to supply amino acids to produce hormones like insulin and human growth hormone, which can further drain protein reserves. A high protein diet ensures you have more than enough and switches your body to an anabolic mode, one that builds tissues rather than breaks them down.

While the RDA for protein is less than half a gram per pound of body weight, you should double that to one gram per pound of body weight to build muscle. That’s the maximum amount your body can use in one day, according to a historical study in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

So, for example, a 160-pound man should try to consume 160 grams of protein a day to stimulate muscle growth. One hundred and sixty grams of protein looks like this: 8 ounces of chicken breast, 1 cup of cottage cheese, a roast beef sandwich, two eggs, a glass of milk, and 2 ounces of peanuts.

2. Consume more calories

Strong muscular male athletes with pizza fast food unhealthy eating diet concept


If you are training with weights to gain weight, don’t eat like a man who is trying to lose weight. The growth of a pound of muscle requires around 2,800 calories. That means you may have to overeat to consume enough calories to increase size.

In fact, in some studies, researchers found that the lifters with the highest muscle gains were the men who ate the most. White’s plan calls for increasing his calories to 3,000 per day. That’s a lot of food to consume in three squares, which is why White recommends you. . .

Eat every 3 hours (approximately)

      By spreading your calories, for example, six meals spaced about 3 hours apart, you will avoid that tummy feeling that can make you feel sluggish, and ensure that your muscles are constantly filling with protein and carbohydrates. Your body needs a constant supply of macronutrients and micronutrients to function properly, especially when intense exercise taxes you.

      Shoot about 30 grams of protein per meal. That will bring most people into the proper range for muscle growth.

      Get the right combination of macros

      Portrait of handsome 25-year-old Middle Eastern tourist in the heart of Europe


      Protein is critical, but you shouldn’t be a soloist when you’re putting together a plan to build mass. The other macronutrients, namely healthy carbohydrates and fats, also influence muscle growth. By getting your macro ratio correct, you can expect to see your gains soar and avoid adding body fat even with increasing calories, White says. The best meals for Muscle Makes reaching that Holy Grail ratio of 50 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein, and 25 percent fat easy by translating it into examples of ideal foods (and recipes) you can use to fuel your day.

      Hydrate for more T

      Exercise-induced dehydration slows down motor neurons. Not only will you feel fatigued earlier in a workout than you would otherwise, but your performance will also decrease.

      Furthermore, a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology He found that dehydrated weight lifters produced more cortisol, the stress hormone, while reducing the release of testosterone, the body’s best muscle builder.

      Find your serum

      Right after exercising, drink a whey protein shake that provides you with approximately 25 grams of protein per serving. Whey digests faster than other types of protein, making it hit your muscles faster. Whey protein also has the highest concentration of the branched-chain amino acid leucine, which is required for protein synthesis.

      Have a banana before a workout

      Athletes dressed in blue eat bananas after exercise

      Panupong Piewkleng

      Or a little Greek yogurt. Or a low-sugar sports drink. They are all rich in electrolytes, which help your muscles to contract. Exercise depletes electrolytes quickly. Make sure you don’t fall short and have cramps.

      Measure your meals

      If you are serious about building more muscle, be serious about being more disciplined when you eat. You can start by creating a meal plan and sticking to strict schedules. Start refueling shortly after waking up and stop eating three hours before bedtime. Remember, your body repairs and builds muscles while you sleep. Eating right before bed can interrupt your sleep and throw a wrench in that crucial repair process.

      The best foods for men’s muscle health is packed with ready-to-serve meal plans and recipes that take the guesswork out of feeding muscles the right amounts at the right times. For more information, click here.

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