DrLupo Is The Best Fall Guys Player In The World

Update: Popular Twitch streamer DrLupo has been awarded the special Fall Guys costume, and has officially secured his place as the current best Fall Guys player in the world – as The Fallen One, as it is called. DrLupo posted on August 21st a clip featuring the unique costume, which you can see below. De official Twitter account of Fall Guys confirmed this as well.

Original story follows …

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has become something of a phenomenon, and out of all the players of the game, one of them is the best – but they had no proof so far. Fall Guys’ Twitter account said one player out there, the “statistically best” one, was given an early costume – but they could not say who. In fact, they are not even sure who it is. Who that person is, however, could also be a little confused about why they have the costume.

The hashtag “#TheFallenOne” is now trending on Twitter, but the account reports that they are not yet sure who has the costume. Will the best Fall Guys player identify himself? See them on Twitter?

Maybe they’re reading GameSpot right now?

The social media team for Fall Guys has posted the work. They recently promised to wipe out the yellow team if a tweet hit 1 million retweets – it is currently hovering at just over 200,000. They also put brands against each other in a bidding war for a costume Fall Guys, which would cost them a charitable donation.

Fall Guys is available on PS4 and PC, and would eventually come on other platforms. The final patch of the game tweaks a few final games and avoids multiple team games in a row, which you may or may not help to finally cut that crown.

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