Drinking dairy increases your risk of this cancer by 80%, the study found

There are many reasons why you may not include dairy in your diet, but is there a risk of elevated cancer? New research suggests that Drinking just one glass of milk a day can dramatically increase a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer.

A new study conducted by the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health and the World Cancer Research Fund found that women who drank cow’s milk had an increased risk of breast cancer by up to 0% compared to women who drank soy milk. (Related: What happens to your body when you can’t dairy).

The year-long study involved approximately 52,800 women – comparing the health outcomes of women who drank cow’s milk to those who drank soy – all of whom were previously included in the Adventist Health Study-2. One important detail, looking at as Adventists is that they generally follow a vegetarian diet and eat a lot of soy products compared to those who follow the standard American diet.

Upon registration, all women were asked to fill out a detailed food questionnaire and a small group was selected to provide a 24-hour food journal and urine samples periodically throughout the study. The results were shocking.By the end of the study, more than 1000 participants had developed breast cancer.

Researchers have found that women who report drinking eight ounces of cow’s milk a day have an increased risk of cancer by as much as 0%. Two to three cups of content per day increased their risk by 80%. Of course, this information does not suggest that drinking a cup of cow’s milk every day increases a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer by 50%. Instead, this finding suggests that cow’s milk 50% increase in a woman’s personal risk. For example, the average risk for a woman developing breast cancer is about 12%. Therefore, for a woman who comes in line with the average, her risk will increase by 50% if she drinks dairy worth about 8-ounce per day.

Women who did not drink cow’s milk but drank soy milk did not show signs of increased risk of cancer. In fact, The American Cancer Society says many studies are currently suggesting that soy-based foods such as soy milk, tampons, tofu and miso may. Reduce the risk of breast cancer.

For more, check out the best cancer-fighting diets.