Drag Race and Roll Race

The McLaren 720S is one of the fastest new cars you can buy right now. You can run less than three seconds from 0 to 60 times with ease, and post nine and a quarter miles directly from the factory. Give it some simple modifications and you will get an eight second rocket. But with the arrival of the new Porsche 911 Turbo S, the king may have found his rival.

Mat Watson from YouTube channel Carwow brought the two drag racing titans together for a recent benchmark test, and for once the McLaren is not the clear winner. Despite the mind-blowing acceleration of the car’s 710-horsepower twin-turbo V-8, it can’t keep up with the Porsche in a quarter-mile drag. That’s thanks to the 911’s all-wheel drive system and world-class launch control system. It’s only towards the end of the race that the McLaren shows signs of catching up, but by then, it’s too late. It also loses the braking test, with the Porsche stopping a shorter car length in a side-by-side comparison.

However, where the McLaren excels is in the roll racing comparison. Both cars hold their ground at the start, but the 720S ‘top end can flex its muscles and pull away after a few seconds, leaving the 640-horsepower Turbo S in the dust.

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