Dr Fauci Just said He is ‘Quite Disturbed’ by this COVID Development

While we are beginning to gain a better understanding of the new coronavirus, many medical experts have said that life will probably only really begin to return to normal once a working vaccine has been developed and distributed. This has improved the already rapid speed that scientists around the world are working to create an effective vaccine against COVID-19. But a recent development in this area has raised some concerns for top medical experts Anthony Fauci, MD, who says that the news of a COVID vaccine developed by Russia does not sit well with him.

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During a live video interview with Bloomberg’s QuickTake On August 18, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) cited major public health concerns following Russia’s announcement that it has a COVID vaccine, which has not been properly evaluated by the international scientific community. . “I’m pretty pissed off by Russia or any country that declares they have a vaccine before they test it enough,” Fauci sei. “Because that would really give the rest of the world if it turns out the vaccine is not safe.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin received intense backlash from scientists around the world when he announced on August 11 that his country had developed an effective vaccine for COVID-19 after just two months of clinical trials. The proposed inoculation has yet to complete a third phase of testing to make sure it works and to check for potentially dangerous side effects. However, it is still meant to roll out to the general population, starting with teachers and health care workers.

While there are hundreds of companies and institutions around the world racing for a vaccine, Fauci says safety should be paramount, and tells Bloomberg that “there are two things about a vaccine that you want: You want it to be safe and you want it to be effective. “

The leading expert on infectious disease also explained that testing vaccines differs from pharmaceutical clinical trials. “With vaccines – as opposed to drugs that you give to a person who may be ill and who need them – you distribute the vaccines worldwide to billions of people who are healthy people, people you not wanting to get sick, “he said. “That’s why we emphasize security very strongly.”

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In an interview with Heathline on August 18, Fauci shared more thoughts on Russia’s alleged vaccine. “To say you have a vaccine and to say you have a vaccine that has been proven to be safe and effective … I mean, for all practical purposes, I could say we have six vaccines, but you would. yet no one gave except in a clinical trial, ”he explained. “That’s the concern we all have when you have one country or organization that says, ‘We have a fax that we’re going to start spreading to people,’ well, that’s almost impossible to do, because you could not adequately have tested its safety and effectiveness. “

Fauci went on to say that Russia simply “has a product that they are willing to take the risk of giving it to people without necessarily showing yet that it is as effective as it is safe.”

Despite his grievances with Russia’s announcement, Fauci has also recently shown a growing “cautious optimism” in the hunt for a state fax. He told Healthline that a vaccine will potentially be ready by the end of 2020 rather than the beginning of 2021. And for more on Fauci and a vaccine, check out Dr. Fauci Says the government will not make these 2 things mandatory.

Gallery: Dr. Fauci Just Warned For ‘Serious’ COVID Side Effects (ETNT Health)

a woman sitting in a chair talking on a mobile phone: woman with face mask feels sick and keeps her head in pain while measuring temperature at home.

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