Donald Trump plans a Florida rally on Saturday amid the secrecy of the Covid test

Donald Trump, who is still recovering from Covid-19, has suggested he could hold a rally in Florida on Saturday, while ignoring questions about whether he has tested negative for the disease.

On Thursday night, Trump said: “I think I will try to hold a rally on Saturday night, if we have enough time.

“But we want to hold a rally in Florida on Saturday night, maybe in Florida. The next night, come back to Pennsylvania and do one.”

At least one Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has seen an increase in coronavirus cases by a local health official. In recent events in Trump, most supporters have turned off masks and social distance measures to slow the spread of the disease. Asked by Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night if he still has a negative test for coronavirus – or whether he was tested positive last week – the president did not respond directly to the experimental drugs he gave instead. Was focused on. Treated with. He said he would be tested on Friday.

Asked if he had a test after a positive test last week, Trump said: “Well, that’s what we’re doing, maybe the test is tomorrow. Real test, because there is no reason to test all the time. “

In a rambling interview, during which he spoke in a hoarse voice, while coughing, the president jumped from one writing talking point to another. He also called the abortion an “early-term execution,” after reports confirmed that the treatment he received for his covid-19 was developed with the help of aborted fetal cells – which his administration opposes.

In an hour-long interview with Fox Business Channel earlier in the day, Trump said he would not participate in a virtual debate with his Democratic rival B Biden after the commission announced a new constitution amid presidential concerns over the presidential debate. Can still become infected and spread the virus.

In an interview, Trump said of the virus, “You’ll be fine. It happens, you’ll be fine. “

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that Democrats in the U.S. Congress will meet to discuss the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which includes a clause that removes the president from office against his will due to physical or mental disability.

Dr. Sean Conley, Trump’s physician, said he expects Trump Will be able to return to public engagement on Saturday, After initially suggesting that the president may not return to public life until Monday. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Covid-19 patients be around others 10 days after their symptoms first appear, although they do not have a fever for the first 24 hours.

Trump has received a number of treatments, including the experimental antibody cocktail from the antiviral drug Remedesivir and Regeneran Pharmaceuticals, whose chief executive has a personal relationship with the president.

On Thursday night, the president indicated that he would be willing to discuss Biden if he were a mediator like Hennessy, or other loyal Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram or Jeanne Piro. “Let’s get an excellent anchor, like no great Sean Hannity,” he said.

The chairman of the non-partisan commission on presidential discussions told the Associated Press on Thursday that the commission would not reconsider the virtual debate and that the final debate scheduled for October 22 was still pending with both candidates.

He was hospitalized after the president announced on October 2 that he had contracted the virus, which killed more than 212,000 Americans in the country and infected more than 7.6 million. He returned to the White House on October 5, and appeared on Thursday to leave his rooms to visit the West Wing – which he did earlier this week – possibly infecting White House staff and others.

On Thursday, it turned out that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had a 70-person indoor wedding in May and Atlanta in violation of state and municipal guidelines for his daughter, the New York Times reported earlier Thursday.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin opened a field hospital amid a surge in cases that have flooded the state’s health care system. “We are in a crisis right now and our behavior needs to change urgently to save lives,” Governor Tony Evers said in a statement.