Donald Trump can hold funeral service for younger brother at White House | American news

Donald Trump has said he can hold a funeral service at the White House for Robert Trump, his younger brother who died Saturday.

Trump has been criticized for using the White House for political events. Although private ceremonies are not common at the executive house, they are not unknown.

“We’ll see on Friday, and we may just do a little service here in the White House for my brother,” Trump told reporters. ‘I think he would be honored a lot … He loves our country so much. He was so proud of what we did and what we do for our country. ”

Earlier on Monday, Trump told Fox News that his brother was his ‘biggest fan’, and showed ‘no jealousy’ when his famous brother on real estate, ‘had the number one show’ and eventually won the presidency.

In a scathing response, Trump also said that his brother was “so angry at China because of what happened when the plague came”.

That was a reference to the coronavirus pandemic in which more than 5.4 million people became infected in the US and about 170,000 died.

Robert Trump, 71, died Saturday at a New York City hospital. The cause of his death was not immediately made public, although he had apparently been ill for some time.

In a statement, President Robert said “was not only my brother, he was my best friend. He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”

In his telephone interview with Fox and Friends, Trump said, ‘Well, we interacted and he was always there and he was, you know, he was not a jealous person, he was a very smart man, but he was not, white. yeah, he would be there and he would be behind me and if … I had the No 1 show, if I had a huge success and despite what I did, whether it was an irrevocable approval or something else, then it was he there. In many cases [he] helped me a lot with everything I did, and when I became president, he was one of the faithful people, there was no jealousy. ‘

Earlier this year, Robert Trump filed a lawsuit in New York trying to stop a cousin, Mary L Trump, from publishing a tell-all book. Attempt failed and too much and never enough: How my family made the most dangerous man in the world became a huge bestseller.

Among many descriptions of toxic relationships between members of the Trump family, the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., who died in 1981, tells how the young Donald Robert would be plagued by hiding his toys.

She also describes an attempt by Donald Trump in 1990 to rewrite his father’s will to benefit him over his siblings, and how Donald, Robert and her sister Maryanne moved to disinheritate their niece and nephew to Fred Trump Sr., the family patriarch, died in 1999.

Robert Trump worked for his brother in the 1980s, but the high profile error of Trump’s casino operations led to a professional split.

“Many times in families,” Trump told Fox News, “I hate to say it, but there’s envy and especially among children … who are competitive. [and Robert was] very competitive. There was not a jealousy of jealousy and he would run around and talk about how great this is for the country and it is so incredible and he was my biggest fan. “

Trump then turned against the coronavirus pandemic, stating that his brother was “so angry at China because of what happened where the plague came in and they should not have allowed it, they could stop it”.

While the U.S. economy is pushing for flatlines and an election, Trump has sought to shift the blame to the country in which the new coronavirus originated, in Wuhan province.

His brother, he suggested, ‘was so overwhelmed by that … More than people would call. A lot of people have already forgotten, and you can not forget it. But he was a fantastic boy. ”
