Does your employer require you to get the COVID-19 vaccine to get to work?

If you are wondering if your employer may need you to get the COVID-19 vaccine to get you back to work, the short answer is yes. But that doesn’t mean employers won’t face a “legitimate minefield” and when they decide to implement a vaccination policy.

However, employees may need to be tested as a prerequisite for returning to work, according to trial attorney Misty Maris, “There is no world where there is a Covid-19 mandatory vaccination policy with no exceptions.”

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Maris Gordon Reese, who specializes in employment law, is the co-managing partner of Reese Witherspoon LLP’s New York office fees.

U.S. Pfizer / Bioentech awaits emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, as well as COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna, so employers must be prepared to set up a framework for how employees will be allowed to arrive. Back safe.

For both public and private employers this could mean encouraging employees to be vaccinated or to implement mandatory vaccination programs.

The Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which has issued guidelines to employers during epidemics, says the virus meets the “direct threat” standard.

Since the virus is considered a direct threat, employers have the ability to implement health checks in the workplace, which are not normally allowed under federal law at the time of Fed disease, according to Merris. This means that the employer has the ability to take the temperature before someone comes in or tell someone they need to leave because they show symptoms.

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While “nothing says it’s illegal” to keep the employer from having a mandatory vaccination program, that doesn’t mean it’s not a thorny, thorny way. “

However, other mandatory aspects of employment law will have to be considered for each mandatory program, Merris said, predicting that different housing requests will result.

The two main exemptions that will be implemented are religious exemptions and disability.

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, faithfully held religious beliefs may serve as the basis for religious exemptions.

“In the case of vaccinations, an employee can seek exemption in compulsory vaccination on the basis of religion,” Merris said, adding that the employer then needs to consider whether accommodation can be granted. In this case, this could mean remote work or social distance.

However, if the employer does not approve the accommodation, “they will have to prove that the housing company is in trouble indefinitely.”

Second, employers must consider Americans under the 1990 Disability Act (ADA).

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If an employee requests accommodation under the ADA, they must establish that they have a disability. You may have an employee who says they have a chemical sensitivity to a vaccine. Employees can also tank allergies as a cause.

However, there are many other things to consider, with people saying they are concerned about the potential side effects of vaccination. There is no question as to whether he qualifies as a medical condition, depending on who is in his jurisdiction.

“It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.”

At the end of the day, however, “employers want to think more than just liability,” Merris said. “You think about the morale of your employees, the workforce.”

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