Big Finish Productions and BBC Studios announced the return of Eccleston, which appeared in 13 episodes when the television series relaunched in 2005. He will speak the Ninth Doctor in a series of 12 adventures contained in four box sets, with volume one planned for release in May 2021.
“After 15 years, it will be exciting to revisit the world of the Ninth Doctor, bringing back a character from me,” Eccleston said.
Story details, writers and additional guest cast will be announced later.
Big Finish chairman Jason Haigh-Ellery said he “first spoke to Christopher about returning to the role of the Doctor at a fan convention in February this year. Christopher said he enjoyed meeting the fans and was pleased that his Doctor was so fondly remembered.I’m so glad Christopher decided to return to the role with us – and I’m excited to welcome him into the Big Finish family as we explore the new adventures of the Ninth Discover Doctor. ‘
The audio adventures will be available as in CD, digital download, as a limited gatefold triple LP in vinyl.