Disneyland has just opened the flood gates to downtown Disney, something many employees are uncomfortable with at least … and with deadly fear at worst.
TMZ spoke to a couple of different union honchos who have hundreds to thousands of members working for Mouse House during normal times, and they told us that their rank and file do not feel safe, and will not do so until some crucial demands are met. .
A quick look at the current line outside the Disneyland Resort Downtown Downtown Disney opens at 10 am! You are waiting? #D DowntownDisney #DisneylandResort pic.twitter.com/lcM8g2CSOE
– Disneyland News Today (@dlnt) July 9, 2020 @dlnt
Andrea Zinder – President of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 324 – says his union has about 250 cast members (Disney’s term for employees) on the ground right now in Downtown Disney, which I just invited guests last week to pretty disastrous results, anyway, coronavirus-wise
Downtown Disney just said “come in” smh pic.twitter.com/BYX9c0NhbJ
– Fer Nando 🌮 (@YesIAmFern) July 9, 2020 @YesIAmFern
If you haven’t seen some of the videos from the scene, virtually Social distancing is NOT enforced in any number of stores that reopened. One silver lining … most people wore masks, but shoppers were going crazy, ignoring the signs calling for social distancing.
Andrea tells us that this seemingly uncontrollable flood of visitors from across the country worries cast members, who say it is almost impossible to control the crowds. She says UFCW 324 has been asking for mandatory employee testing, but Disney is not moving.
World of Disney is currently a disaster. The guests do not follow the social distancing measures implemented. #D DowntownDisney #DisneylandResort pic.twitter.com/TvYiQvkhcW
– Disneyland News Today (@dlnt) July 9, 2020 @dlnt
As a result, she says she believes the place is a breeding ground for the disease, and hopes that the governor. Gavin newsom makes them close the store entirely.
In fact, under Newsom’s new order issued on Monday … retail stores will have to close, but restaurants with outdoor tables, mostly found in DD, may remain open.
NEW: As # COVID19 cases and hospitalizations continue to increase, 30 counties will now be required to CLOSE INTERNAL OPERATIONS to:
-Fitness centers
-Places of worship
-Offices for non-critical sectors
-Personal care services
-Hairdressing salons and hairdressing salons
-Malls– Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 13, 2020 @GavinNewsom
Austin Lynch, The Organizing Director of UNITE HERE Local 11 says that the reopening of Downtown Disney is a sign of how poorly Disney has been handling the program so far.
Most of his 3,000 union members serve food at the park’s hotels and cafes, and he also wants guaranteed testing for them before the theme park reopens … every time that happens.
A Disneyland official tells us: “To date, 20 union members have signed agreements that include health and safety measures, such as additional sick pay, reduced park capacity, and facial coverage for guests and cast members, allowing us bring our cast responsibly as soon as possible. “
Regarding the tests, Disney sent a letter to all its unions last month saying “COVID-19 tests are not viable as a screening tool” and instead urged the cast members to continue washing their hands, using facial covers and distancing.
However, in that same letter, Disney bragged that this approach allowed it to successfully reopen parks in Shanghai and Hong Kong. ICYMI … Hong Kong Disneyland is re-closing due to an increase in coronavirus cases.