Disney World will close the Photoshop mask on people

Today you have a story that lets you go “Wait, What?“Disney World will stop adding digital masks to people who are not in pictures of their rides, according to a report WWW News Today.

Even if you’ve never been to a theme park, you’ve probably seen photos like this: people on roller coasters screaming or reacting in a funny way to something that happens, captured by a camera built into the ride, and some sold out is coming. Crazy price. At the age of COVID-19, however, Disney had to adapt to how it handled these pictures. For example, previously, if someone had not worn a mask on a ride, he or someone else in that picture would not be able to download or print it in the Disney app.

It’s understandable how this can cause any annoyance – if you were wearing your mask on a ride, why wouldn’t you be able to get a picture because no one else is? Disney’s solution, apparently, was to start digitally adding non-wear masks (weaker than that, as you can see in the tweet below).

It’s unclear exactly how Disney started doing this, but it announced over the weekend that it would stop, saying in a statement that it had “tested to modify some ride photos”, but that it would “no longer do this and expect” Guests wear facial inks while actively eating or drinking while freezing. ”

It is not yet clear whether Disney will go back to its strict photo policy, where it will not allow anyone wearing a mask in a photo to buy a copy of it. Either way, it’s best to wear a mask regardless of whether the pictures of your vacation depend on it.