Disney World shared an apple pie recipe from their resort

I don’t know about you, but the closest I usually get to baking a cake at any given time is unwrapping a fresh Apple Pie Kit Kat or going to McDonald’s to get one. With that said, I’ll even be taking out my cake pan this week because Disney has shared an iconic apple pie recipe that will instantly comfort you.

Since they’ve been doing it almost as long as the parks have been closed, Disney shared the recipe on their blog this weekend along with a delicious photo. This particular Disney apple pie is served at the Whispering Canyon Café at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. It fits in perfectly with the resort’s rustic theme and overall comfort.

One of the best parts of this cake, besides how good it tastes, is that you probably have most of the ingredients at home. There are about a dozen ingredients, but I bet you can guess most of them. Yes, if you have sugar, flour, baking powder and salt out there, you’re almost half done with this cake! As a reminder, this recipe has been converted from a larger quantity in restaurant kitchens. The flavor profile may vary from restaurant version, but still quite delicious.

The recipe doesn’t require you to combine a warm slice of this cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert, but, um, I am, so be sure to pick it up as well. You can find the complete recipe here.

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