Disney heiress accuses company of putting workers’ health at risk

“What Disney is doing here is what businesses in general have been doing for far too long. I can’t stay quiet when profits run in front of workers and people,” he said in an interview with CNN’s Richard Quest on Wednesday.

Walt Disney’s brother’s granddaughter Roy Disney has become an outspoken critic of the Walt Disney Co. and an advocate for workers’ rights.

On Wednesday, he said the company is not doing enough tests of Covid-19 to protect vulnerable personnel at the recently reopened Disney World Park.

“If you in the C-suite consider an hourly worker with a minimum wage to be your equal, as a human being with the same rights and dignity that you have, I think it would be too slow to … ask them to come with asthma, diabetes , with all kinds of pre-existing conditions, and it doesn’t provide them with the tests they’re asking for. “

Walt Disney Co. did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This is not the first time that Abigail Disney, a documentary filmmaker and activist, has publicly called the company’s C-suite. Earlier this year, she criticized the company’s decision to suspend hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers during the coronavirus shutdown.
And last year, he criticized then-CEO Bob Iger’s $ 66 million pay, more than 1,400 times the average salary of a Disney employee, as “crazy.”
