Discovery of the New Mass Extinction – Carnian Pluvial Episode – 233 million years ago

Major extinction events

Summary of major extinction events over time, 233 million years ago published a new, Currian Pluvial episode. Credit: de Bonadona / Muse, Trento

It is often not called new mass extinction; After all, such events were so devastating that they are indeed in the fossil record. In a new paper published today Science progress, An international team identified the main extinction of life 233 million years ago, which increased the world’s possession of dinosaurs. The crisis is called the corneal pleural episode.

A team of 17 researchers led by Jacopo Dal Corso of China University of Geosciences at Wuhan and Mike Benton University of BristolThe School of Earth Sciences reviewed all the geographical and paleontological evidence and determined what had happened.

The eruption was mainly caused by the eruption of the province of Rangelia in western Canada, where a huge amount of volcanic basalt was poured and most of the west coast of North America was formed.

“There was an eruption in the carnation,” says Jacopo Dalle Corso. “I was studying the geochemical signature of explosions a few years ago and identified some of the major effects on the global environment. The explosions were so huge that they emitted large amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and spikes from global warming. “Wimming was associated with increased rainfall, and was discovered in the 1980s by a humorous episode by Mike Sims and Alistair Raphael, which spanned nearly 1 million years. Climate change has damaged biodiversity at sea and on land. , But it was only after the extinction that new groups took over and formed more sophisticated ecosystems, as climate change promoted the development of plant life and the expansion of modern coniferous forests.

Professor Mike Benten said, “The new flora provides thinner choices for existing herbivorous reptiles. When I completed my PhD in 1983, I noticed floral switches and ecological extinction among vegetarians. Now we know that dinosaurs originated from this event. It happened about 20 million years ago, but it remained quite rare and unimportant until the Carnian Pluvial episode hit. There were sudden dry conditions after the humid episode that gave the dinosaurs their chance. “

Not only dinosaurs, but also many modern groups of plants and animals appeared at this time, including the first turtles, crocodiles, lizards and the first mammals.

The Carnian Pluvial episode also had an impact on marine life. It marks the beginning of modern-style coral reefs, as well as many modern groups of plankton, suggesting profound changes in marine chemistry and the carbonate cycle.

“So far, paleontologists have identified five” massive “mass extinctions in 500 million years of life history,” says Jacopo de Dalla Corso. “Each of these had a profound effect on the evolution of the earth and life. We have identified another major extinction phenomenon, and it clearly plays a key role in helping to re-establish life on land and in the oceans, marking the origins of modern ecosystems. “

Reference: “The extinction of the modern world in extinction and carnation.” Triassic) “Jacopo Dal Corso, Massimo Bernardi, Yadong Sun, Haijun Song, Lela J. Sefullah, Nereo Prato, Piero Gianolla, Alistair Raphael, Evelyn Costasher, Guido Rogi, Agostino Marico, Sanke Hone, Alecz. Paul B. Vignal and Michael J. Benton, 16 September 2020, Science progress.
DOI: 10.1126 / sciadv.aba0099