Did Donald Trump almost confirm the existence of aliens? Israel’s former space chief makes a bizarre claim

Donald Trump has information about alien life and has almost made it public, which is only emerging after the intervention of the Gala Galactic Federation, a former Israeli official said in a bizarre newspaper interview.

Professor Ham Ashed, who served as head of Israel’s space program from 1981 to 2010, spoke to the Hebrew newspaper Yediot ahronot On sunday. On Tuesday, this Jerusalem Post Some of Ished’s excerpts were published in English and contained some of the most unreliable claims made about Trump, which has long been at the center of conspiracy theories, some of which he has actively promoted.

According to Ashed, the aliens in an organization called the Galactic Federation are in contact with the US and Israeli governments. Understandably, the aliens wanted to keep a low profile.

“The UFO has asked not to publish that they have come here,” Ashed said, “humanity is not ready yet.”

“Trump was about to reveal, but the galactic federation’s aliens are saying: ‘Wait, let the people calm down first.’ They don’t want to start a mass hysteria. They want to make us sensible and sensible first. “

According to Ashed, the aliens sent U.S. troops to Earth to conduct experiments. Made a deal with the government. Ashed also claimed that aliens and American astronauts were working together on a secret underground base on Mars.

Asheid claimed that the aliens were “researching and trying to understand the entire fabric of the universe, and that they wanted us as helpers.”

This Jerusalem Post Said he found no evidence to support Ashed’s claims and neither Newsweek.

Donald Trump
According to the Israeli professor, President Donald Trump came close to declaring the existence of people from outside the world but was stopped by members of the Galactic Federation.
Taso Katopodis / Getty

Still, the interview is the latest in a string of events that have sparked speculation on the Internet.

In December 2019, Trump announced the creation of the US Space Force as the country’s sixth branch of the armed forces. Describing space as “the world’s most advanced combat zone”, Trump said space forces were needed because they posed a “serious threat to national security.”

While Trump has not explicitly expressed confidence in UFOs or alien life, he told Fox News in October that he would take a “good, strong look” at the existence of unidentified flying objects. “I heard that two days ago, so I’ll investigate,” Trump said.

During a June interview conducted by his son, Donald Trump Jr., Trump indicated that he had classified knowledge about the alleged alien crash site in Roswell, New Mexico.

“I won’t talk to you about what I know about him, but it’s very interesting,” Donald Trump said. “But Roswell is a very interesting place with a lot of people who want to know what’s going on.”

U.S. in UFO locations Has drawn the attention of the Department of Defense. In August Gust, the Pentagon confirmed the existence of a naval task force that would investigate the unidentified aerial incident as a potential threat. “The Department of Defense and military departments make no serious attacks on our training range or designated airports by unauthorized aircraft and investigate every report,” the Pentagon read in an August statement.

Newsweek U.S. for comment. Reached the Space Force.