Delds by Robin Williams Zelda sues Eric Trump for sharing clip of comic jokes about Biden


Zelda Williams, actor and daughter of the late cabaret artist and actor Robin Williams, punished Donald Trump’s son Eric on Twitter Friday, after he shared a video clip of the late comedian cracking jokes about Joe Biden.

The tweet includes a clip from Williams hitting Democratic candidate “Joe Biden” with added text reading adding “Robin Williams just rescues Joe Biden.” In the video, from the 2009 special ‘Weapons of Self-Destruction’, Williams shot straight at the politician, saying, “Joe is like your uncle who’s on a new drug and the dose is not right . “

Zelda Williams replied later that day, quote and write the tweet, “While we ‘remember’ (to increase your political agenda), you should look up what he said about your father. I did. I remind you, it’s much more ‘cruel’. Soft reminder that the dead can not vote , but the living can. “

In 2012, the comedian compared now-President Donald Trump to “a scary man” and “the wizard of Oz” because of his work as a real estate businessman. Robin Williams also nodded to Trump over well-publicized remarks he made about his daughter Ivanka’s performance.

“This is a man who said ‘my daughter is hot,'” Williams said. “Even people in Arkansas went ‘that’s wrong. That’s just out of place.'”

The exchange comes just days before Zelda Williams announced that she would be taking a break from social media Tuesday on the sixth anniversary of her father’s death by suicide, as she has done in years past.

“It is difficult for me on regular, good days to remain the person who is expected to graciously accept the need of the world to share their memories of him and express their sympathy for this loss,” she wrote. . She added that although she understands that fans like to express their “boundless lasting love for him”, at times “it leaves me emotionally buried under a whole lot of his memories instead of my own.”

She followed up the tweet with a number of resources for those who may be suffering from depression.

Alyssa Pereira is a culture editor at SFGate. Email: [email protected] | Twitter: @alyspereira