Delayed Coronavirus Cancer: More Than 60,000 Years to Be Lost | United Kingdom | News

According to experts, up to 3,620 patient deaths could be attributed to delays in diagnosis over the five-year period. But the researchers admitted that this could be just the tip of the iceberg, as they only studied services in England and only observed four types of cancer. It is estimated that there could be a 10 percent increase in deaths from breast cancer, a 17 percent increase in deaths from bowel cancer, a five percent increase in deaths from lung cancer, and an increase in the six percent in esophageal cancer deaths. Researchers from King’s College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine compiled the figures.

Richard Sullivan, professor of cancer and global health at King’s College, said the loss of life from cancer showed “systematic failure London Belfast Birmingham Cardiff Glasgow Manchester Newcastle Norwich Plymouth ‘This blockade must never happen again’ 0906 156 Call our line where you can talk live with our forecasts.

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He said, “The shutdown must never happen again.” Comparing figures from the NHS cancer registry from years prior to this year, the study estimated delays in diagnosing cancer due to coronavirus measurements.

Some were caused because patients were too afraid to get Covid-19 to control cancer symptoms, while others had to stop cancer diagnosis services.

The researchers examined the likely outcome of delays in diagnosing the closure of the four major cancers in England.


Up to 3,620 patient deaths could be attributed to delays (Image: Getty)

Calculated against the expected life expectancy of patients and the age of anticipated deaths, it would mean that the equivalent of up to 63,229 years of life would be lost.

It comes after a recent study predicted that the UK will see up to 35,000 excess cancer deaths in a year due to delays caused by the Covid-19 response.

This included delays in detection and diagnosis, as well as delayed and canceled treatments.

Professor Sullivan said: “This approach to blocking the pandemic must never happen again. We will not know the true scale of excess cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis and treatment for another three to five years.”

“However, many of these patients will be much younger than the average age of those who died of the coronavirus, 80 percent of whom were over the age of 70.


Other treatments were dropped to focus on Covid testing and treatment. (Image: Getty)

“Thus, on average, we will see many more years of lives lost due to excess deaths in our cancer patients.

“You don’t have to be a space scientist to see that delays in cancer diagnosis will lead to thousands of deaths. Our study represents just the tip of the iceberg and we’ve been very conservative in our estimates.”

“We have not included delays or changes in cancer treatment. And now we have a large backlog of patients. I accept that there may be uncertainty at the start of the pandemic.”

“But you can’t shut down the whole of society and not expect serious indirect consequences. Our approach to shutdown failed as we now have the worst Covid mortality in the world, as well as a huge increase in non-Covid deaths as an indirect effect.”

“We need an entirely new, systematic and evidence-based approach ‘Cancer services face more pressure’ to treat cancer during pandemics, from screening services to palliative care.

social distancing

The UK’s approach to closure failed as the country has the worst Covid death rate in the world (Image: Getty)

“You can’t just sit on your hands waiting for a second wave. We have to get on with life and deal with what is happening to patients now and right now we have preventable deaths and suffering that must be addressed.”

Professor Karol Sikora, a leading cancer specialist and former adviser to the World Health Organization, said: “We have an impending cancer crisis. If we don’t get cancer diagnosis and treatment moving immediately, tens of thousands of people will lose their lives, possibly up to 50.00.

“We were slow to react to the virus and I am afraid we are being too slow to react to the next crisis.”

Sara Bainbridge, director of policy and influence for Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “In May, 94,000 less colossal people saw a specialist on suspicion of cancer after an urgent referral to a GP than during the same period last year.

“As thousands of these invisible patients are diagnosed with cancer and begin treatment, our cancer services face more pressure than ever.”

Karol Sikora

Karol Sikora warned that the UK faces an impending cancer crisis (Image: Brochure)

A spokesperson for NHS England said: “Thanks to the hard work of NHS staff who have continued to provide treatment for cancer, fortunately the scenario set by this study did not happen. References for cancer controls are increasing, with more than 65,000 people from safely treated in the last three months. “

A Health Department spokesperson said: “Throughout this unprecedented pandemic, the NHS has continued to treat cancer patients as a priority, with urgent and essential tests and treatments being carried out safely for thousands of patients. “

“We are already providing the NHS with a record increase in additional £ 33 billion in cash by 2023/24.”

The study is published in the Lancet Oncology journal.

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A teenager whose aunt died of coronavirus joined the NHS 111 call service to participate in the fight against the pandemic.

A new Channel 4 documentary shows how much pressure paramedics and front-line workers were under at the height of the crisis. At one point, a 111 center receives four times its usual number of calls.


A teenager has signed up to help 111 after losing his aunt to Covid-19 (Image: Getty)

Also, paramedics: Lifeguards in Britain found that almost half of the patients seen were too scared to go to the hospital. It is estimated that more than 8,000 could have died because they missed hospital treatment out of fear.

West Midlands 111 call counselor Ollie Farquharson, 18, is on the show. He had just finished his A levels when a personal tragedy occurred. He said, “My aunt Kay had a cold about a week before the lockdown. She was isolating herself at home and then getting worse and worse. We used service 111 and the decision was made that she had to go to the hospital.

“She deteriorated and then slowly passed away in early April. It was very hard because my mother was not allowed to say goodbye.”

Ollie joined service 111 because he wanted to return something. Speaking to the Sunday Express, she said that even now many callers do not realize that they should isolate themselves if they have Covid symptoms. “People should be 100% aware of this, but they are puzzled.” She said many are reluctant to accept a visit from a paramedic in case they are later sent to the hospital.

Paramedics: Lifeguards of Great Britain, tomorrow, 9 pm, Channel 4