Deaths in the US Exceed 1,000 for the FOURTH DAY in a row, as 18 states establish infection registries in a single day

US coronavirus deaths have exceeded 1,000 for the fourth consecutive day on Friday, as 18 states established infection registries in a single day.

The virus killed a staggering 1,019 Americans in the last day, and ended a sad week with 1,140 deaths on Thursday, 1,135 on Wednesday and 1,141 on Tuesday.

Infections rose at least 68,800 on Friday, fueled by increasing outbreaks in the south and west, with Arizona, California, Florida, Texas and California especially affected.

More than 4.1 million people have been infected with the virus and 145,565 people have been killed.

A total of 18 states surpassed their own records of new daily infections this week, as it appears the US will break its national record of 75,697 new cases in a single day reached July 16.

California, South Carolina, North Dakota, Kentucky, Hawaii, Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, and West Virginia broke their own case records daily, while forty states also recorded 14-day increases in infections per capita.

Florida has teamed up with California to overcome New York’s old virus epicenter in terms of total confirmed cases.

The Sunshine State added another 12,444 cases to his account, bringing the infections to 414,511, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

California leads the way with more than 440,000 cases, while New York has reduced cases after enduring one of the longest blockades in all states.

Governor Gavin Newsom announced new measures for the state’s nursing homes after it emerged, nursing home inspectors were visiting the facility without being tested for the virus.

The surprising revelation came as part of an investigation by the LA Times, suggesting that inspectors could unintentionally infect some of the most vulnerable populations.

However, despite increasing cases and deaths in the US, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx insisted that the worst of the crisis could have happened for the states of the United States. south and west affected.

City of Orlando employees conduct COVID-19 tests at a test drive site.  Florida has teamed up with California to overcome the former New York virus epicenter in terms of total confirmed cases

City of Orlando employees conduct COVID-19 tests at a test drive site. Florida has teamed up with California to overcome the former New York virus epicenter in terms of total confirmed cases

Doctors treat a patient in a Texas hospital.  Cases are skyrocketing in the southern and western United States, and deaths in the US have exceeded 1,000 for the fourth consecutive day on Friday

Doctors treat a patient in a Texas hospital. Cases are skyrocketing in the southern and western United States, and deaths in the US have exceeded 1,000 for the fourth consecutive day on Friday

“We are already starting to see a plateau in these four critical states that have really suffered in the past four weeks, making Texas, California, Arizona and Florida the main subways and in all of their counties,” Birx told NBC News.

Birx’s comments come as federal health and education officials emphasize the need to move back to school as soon as possible.

The American public and its leaders have been strongly divided on whether students should return to school for the fall period during the pandemic.

Birx said children under the age of 18 are generally less sick than older adults because of the sometimes fatal disease, but called it an “open question” about how easily children under 10 can transmit the virus.

Donald Trump has lobbied for schools to reopen, saying it’s critical to children’s mental and emotional well-being and their parents’ ability to work, after business closings and “stay home” orders have been expelled millions of Americans working.

The CDC issued a call to reopen schools in a statement posted on its website that listed the benefits of being in school and minimized the health risks, although it said exceptions should be made for so-called virus “hot spots”.

Despite increasing cases and deaths in the US, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx insisted that the worst of the crisis could have happened for the southern and western states affected

Despite increasing cases and deaths in the US, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx insisted that the worst of the crisis could have happened for the southern and western states affected

Most teacher unions, which in some states and cities have outsized political influence, especially among Democrats, have fought hard against reopening.

The guidelines were “published with the intention of helping facilitate, as mentioned above, the full reopening of schools for face-to-face learning,” said Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC director.

While the risk of severe COVID-19 is considered relatively low for children, there is a fear that they could infect teachers and other employees.

Schools across the country are opening on different dates, with different modes of instruction: virtual, face-to-face classroom instruction, or a hybrid of both, and different or unclear expectations of how long each stage will last.
