De Snyder tears up ‘Moronic’ masculine mob using twisted sister hits

Twisted Sister Singer de Snyder hit a group of anti-maskers who paraded around a target in Florida, blasting the band’s hit song, saying, “We won’t take it.”

“No… these selfish a-holes are not allowed or blessed to use my song for their solemn purpose. Next, “Next,” Tweeted On wednesday

The day before, the camera caught Shennig at the group’s store located in Wild, Fit. There were widespread reports of Ladderdale after the footage went viral on social media.

De Snyder hastened the maskless crowd to use the twisted sister song
D. SnyderCollier Entertainment

In a video posted on YouTube, the group marches around the store on Twister Sister’s hit song in violation of the store’s mask requirement.

“In celebration of Burning Your Mask Day we’ve decided to dust off a little freedom on target shoppers and employees!” User Chris Nels wrote in the description of “Maskless Flash Mob at Target”!

In the clip, one of the participants urges other shopkeepers to “take off that mask”.

“This is the only way it will work – if we all unite,” she said. “It’s all about choice.”

Another member said, “Can’t you breathe better without it?”
