David Starkey is abandoned by the publisher and Fitzwilliam College Cambridge for comments of racist slavery

Starkey, who specializes in Tudor period history and has a reputation as a provocateur, faced widespread condemnation for using derogatory language about blacks in an online interview with conservative commentator Darren Grimes.

In the interview, which ranged from the Black Lives Matter movement to globalization and if White’s privilege exists, Starkey said: “Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn’t be that many blacks in Africa or Britain, right? many of them survived. “

“… And as for the idea that slavery is this kind of terrible disease that you don’t dare say your name, you just don’t dare say your name, Darren, because we solved it almost 200 years ago.”

Apparently comparing slavery to the struggle of Catholics in British history, he added: “Normally we do not continue with the fact that Roman Catholics once did not have the vote and were not allowed to have their own churches because we had emancipation Catholic. “

“And you know what? We had a Catholic emancipation around the same time that we got rid of slavery in the 1830s. We didn’t continue with that because it’s part of history, it’s an issue that is resolved.”

The interview, which was uploaded to YouTube on June 30, sparked widespread criticism on social media. Conservative Member of Parliament and former UK Finance Minister Sajid Javid called Starkey’s comments racist.

“We are the most successful multiracial democracy in the world and we have a lot to be proud of. But David Starkey’s racist comments (” so many cursed blacks “) are a reminder of the terrible views that still exist,” Javid said in a statement. tweet on Thursday.

CNN contacted Starkey for comment, but had not responded at the time of publication.

Grimes promoted a link to the video on June 30 and referred to Starkey as a hero. “They say you should never meet your heroes, well, I practically met one of mine and it was fantastic,” he wrote on Twitter.

After widespread criticism of the interview, conducted for his Reasoned UK platform, Grimes posted again on Thursday, acknowledging that he had not been as “engaged” as he should have been during the meeting. Grimes said he should have “firmly questioned” Starkey about his comments. “It goes without saying that Reasoned UK does not endorse or approve of the words of Dr. David Starkey,” he said.

Fitzwilliam College, part of the University of Cambridge, confirmed on Friday that, after contacting Starkey, he had “accepted Dr. David Starkey’s resignation from his Honorary Scholarship with immediate effect.”

In a statement Friday, the university said: “Our student and academic bodies are diverse and welcoming to everyone. We do not tolerate racism. Although Dr. Starkey does not play a teaching role at Fitzwilliam, honorary members have the same responsibility as everyone else. the members of our College to defend our values. “
Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent, where Starkey was a visiting professor, also confirmed on Twitter that her relationship with him had ended. He said Starkey’s comments were “completely unacceptable and totally contrary to our university and community values.”
Publisher HarperCollins UK said it had split with Starkey. In a statement posted on his website and social media, he said: “The views expressed by David Starkey in his recent interview are abhorrent and we condemn them without reservation. Our last book with the author was in 2010, and we will not be publishing any more. Books with he “.

“We are reviewing your existing list in light of your comments and opinions.”

Starkey has previously been found in hot water with comments about the breed. Speaking of the London riots in 2011 on the BBC’s current affairs flagship program, Newsnight, Starkey said: “Whites have turned black.”

“A particular type of violent, destructive and nihilistic mafia culture has become fashion,” he said during the interview. The comments sparked nearly 700 viewers’ complaints, according to the BBC.
