Data Mining Report: This is a MEGA Discovery!

Mega Evolution concept in Pokemon GO

Hello Trainers! Niantic has shoved some text updates to go along with the recent update to the game, there is a lot and I mean a lot of details about the upcoming Mega Evolutions. Mega Special Research, Mega Evolution badges and much much more

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Note that miners publicly report everything in this article (PokeMiners). Information shared through these channels is not affiliated nor endorsed by Niantic, and is always subject to change. Do not take it as an application, functions change and are deleted all the time. It is very important that you are aware of these things CAN and WANT TO SHOW.

In addition, this article contains my thoughts and opinions regarding the code that was shared online – all of these should be treated as assumptions, not harsh statements. If you are comfortable with that, feel free to read on. Potential spoilers ahead.

Let’s in!

Special research for Mega Beedrill

RESOURCE ID: quest_title_megabee_0 
TEXT: A Mega Discovery (1/4)

It looks like we’ll be getting new specials called ‘A Mega Discovery’ which’s Beedrill and it’s Mega shape.


RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_1_2 
TEXT: I see you were able to get some Beedrill Mega Energy, my theory there is Mega Energy for different Pokémon and that each Pokémon needs a certain amount of Mega Energy to Mega Evolve.

Each Pokémon will have its own Mega Energy

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_1_3 
TEXT: It also seems to be a temporary state where the Pokémon seem to return to normal once the Mega Energy is depleted.

As expected, Mega evolutions will eventually return to normal. This suggests that we might be able to evolve our Pokémon and then use it as a Mega Pokémon for a few field battles until its Mega energy is up.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_1_4 
TEXT: At first it may be difficult to gather all the Mega Energy needed to Mega evolve, but it seems that the amount of Mega Energy you need to gather is reduced over time.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_1_5 TEXT: 
Maybe it’s because of the bond you have with your Pokémon?

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_2_3 
TEXT: Now, I’m sure you are going to ask “Professor Willow, how do I get more Mega Energy?”

This seems to suggest that being the best buddies with a Pokémon will reduce the amount of Mega energy required to evolve Mega.

How do we get more Mega Energy Professor?

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_2_4 
TEXT: Well, don’t worry, Trainer. It appears as though Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard, and Mega Blastoise are appearing to challenge in Mega Raids all around the world.

It looks like the Kanto starters will be the first set of Mega Raids. Which suggests a slow, or at least staggered, outburst of the Megas.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_2_5
TEXT: Why don’t you bring along your Mega Beedrill to battle them? There seem to be many benefits to bringing your Mega Evolved Pokémon into Raids for both you and your fellow Trainers.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_2_6
TEXT: I’m curious to see what kind of effect the Mega Evolved Pokémon have on other Pokémon when they battle together. Why don’t you give it a try!

I wonder what kind of benefits he is talking about? We’ll get down to that further. 🙂

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_0
TEXT: I dare say, this was a successful research project! It looks like you were able to acquire some Mega Energy by battling those Mega-Evolved Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_1
TEXT: This should serve as a valuable resource. I’ve documented that Raiding isn’t the only thing you and your Mega Pokémon can do together.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_2
TEXT: I hope to see many of you taking on Gyms, battling each other and Team GO Rocket, and of course taking some GO Snapshots to send back to yours truly.

Well, it looks like you can do quite a bit with your Mega Pokémon while they are Mega-evolved.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_3 
TEXT: I will note that these are extremely powerful Pokémon, and for the sake of keeping some activities you do as Trainers fair and balanced, I think it best that for the time being we don’t bring our new friends into GO Battle League just yet, at least until more research is done.

Mega-evolved Pokémon will not be able to be used in the Go Battle League. For the time being.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_5
TEXT: It seems in other regions Trainers use an item like the Mega Bracelet to Mega Evolve Pokémon. Based on my research around Mega Energy, Mega Evolving your Pokémon doesn't seem to require an item.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_6
TEXT: However, I thought it would be a trendy accessory for you to wear if you’d like to show off your Mega Pokémon skills.

RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_megabee_3_7
TEXT: You should see it available for you when you want to change up your look. Hope you accept this gift with my sincerest thanks for a job well done.

Ooh, it looks like we’ll get a Mega bracelet as a style item.

Mega Energy


RESOURCE ID: beedrill_mega_energy_bonus_research 
TEXT: Daily Bonus Research rewarding Beedrill Mega Energy 

RESOURCE ID: beedrill_mega_energy_field_research 
TEXT: Field Research rewarding Beedrill Mega Energy

It looks like we’ll be getting bonus research and field research that rewards Mega Energy for Beedrill as well.

Too much energy !!

RESOURCE ID: mega_energy_above_cap 
TEXT: You have reached the maximum amount of Mega Energy. 

RESOURCE ID: mega_energy_cap 
TEXT: You can collect up to {0} Mega Energy. 

RESOURCE ID: mega_energy_cap_singular 
TEXT: You can collect 1 Mega Energy. 

RESOURCE ID: mega_energy_not_awarded 
TEXT: You received only {0} Mega Energy from this raid because you have reached the maximum of {1}. 

RESOURCE ID: mega_energy_not_awarded_singular 
TEXT: You received only 1 Mega Energy from this raid because you have reached the maximum of {0}.

The speculation is that Mega Energy has replaced the previously mined Mega candy. It also looks like the amount of Mega Energy you have may be cut off, and your rewards will be reduced as you hit it off.

Mega Raids

Damage bonuses

RESOURCE ID: mega_type_attacks_boosted_msg 
TEXT: {0}-type attacks are now boosted!

Speed ​​Bonus

RESOURCE ID: mega_speed_bonus 
TEXT: Speed

Grab your friends, it looks like you’ll get more for completing a raid fast.

Mega Evolving

Are you sure?

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_evolution_confirmation 
TEXT: Do you want to Mega Evolve {0}?

Default confirmation prior to evolution.

Worse, One at a time!

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_evolution_replace 
TEXT: Your {0} will no longer be Mega Evolved. 

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_evolution_replace_detail 
TEXT: Only one Pokémon may be Mega Evolved at a time.

It would appear that developing a new Pokémon any other Pokémon you will currently have Mega evolved.

This will not last forever

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_evolution_time 
TEXT: Mega Evolution lasts for {0} hours

It looks like you’ll get a notification letting you know how long your Pokémon’s mega evolution will take, followed in hours.

You need MORE energy!

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_evolve_need_resources 
TEXT: Need more {0} Mega Energy 

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_mega_resource_label 
TEXT: {0} Mega Energy

These appear as notifications for when you are short of Mega Energy.

Trade refused

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_transfer_mega_evo 
TEXT: You cannot trade a Mega-Evolved Pokémon.

You can not trade your mega-evolved Pokémon.



RESOURCE ID: badge_total_mega_evos_singular 
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Pokémon {0} time. 

RESOURCE ID: badge_total_mega_evos_title 
TEXT: Successor

The sequel to the badge is mega-evolved for the total number of times you have Pokémon.

Evolution Guru

RESOURCE ID: badge_unique_mega_evos 
TEXT: Mega Evolve {0} different species of Pokémon. 

RESOURCE ID: badge_unique_mega_evos_singular 
TEXT: Mega Evolve {0} Pokémon. 

RESOURCE ID: badge_unique_mega_evos_title 
TEXT: Mega Evolution Guru

The Badge Evolution Guru is for the total number of unique Mega Pokémon where you have evolved.


Mega Pokédex

RESOURCE ID: pokedex_filter_button_all 
TEXT: All: {0} 

RESOURCE ID: pokedex_filter_button_mega 
TEXT: Mega: {0} 

RESOURCE ID: pokedex_mode_name_all 
TEXT: All 

RESOURCE ID: pokedex_mode_name_mega 
TEXT: Mega 

RESOURCE ID: pokedex_registered_to_megapokedex 
TEXT: Registered to Mega Pokédex

It looks like the Pokédex is getting a filter so you can just filter the Mega Pokémon. You also get a registered screen to Mega Pokédex.

Messages from Megadex

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_name_0382_0001 
TEXT: Primal Kyogre 

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_name_0383_0001 
TEXT: Primal Groudon 

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_name_0719_0001 
TEXT: Mega Diancie

All entries of the Mega’s Pokédex are also printed, interestingly the Primals were included, and Diancie as well.

Mega Quests

Mega Evolving

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_blastoise 
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Blastoise 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_charizard 
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Charizard 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_venusaur 
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Venusaur 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_plural 
TEXT: Mega Evolve {0} Pokémon 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_evolve_singular 
TEXT: Mega Evolve a Pokémon

A set of quests revolving around Mega Evolving Pokémon.

Mega Raids

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_join_raid_plural 
TEXT: Battle in {0} Mega Raids 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_join_raid_singular 
TEXT: Battle in a Mega Raid 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_win_raid_plural 
TEXT: Win {0} Mega Raids 

RESOURCE ID: quest_mega_win_raid_singular 
TEXT: Win a Mega Raid

A set of quests to win raids with your Mega Evolution Pokémon

No Mega in Gyms

RESOURCE ID: mega_gym_defender_warning 
TEXT: Mega-Evolved Pokémon cannot be assigned to defend Gyms

You can not assign your Mega Pokémon to defend gyms. Which makes sense.

Step down, the Mega’s are here

RESOURCE ID: mega_entered_battle_msg 
TEXT: {0} has entered the battle!

When a Mega Pokémon goes into battle, everyone is notified.

Mega CP color

RESOURCE ID: mega_evo_cp_increase 
TEXT: CP {0} → {1}

Mega CPs will appear as a different color

Raid restrictions

RESOURCE ID: invitations_not_available_special_desc 
TEXT: You cannot invite friends to Raid Battles against certain Legendary, regional, or event Pokémon. 

RESOURCE ID: invitations_not_available_special_title 
TEXT: Cannot Invite Friends to This Raid

It would appear that Niantic will limit long-range invitations to some raids, likely for when they place regionals in raids.

Today View updates

Friendship makes us stronger

RESOURCE ID: friend_damage_raid_increase 
TEXT: Increased Friendship damage bonus in Raids

A new entrance for raiding with friends has been damaged.

Mega challenges

RESOURCE ID: mega_battle_event 
TEXT: Mega Battle Challenge 

RESOURCE ID: mega_buddy_event 
TEXT: Mega Buddy Challenge 

RESOURCE ID: mega_duration_triple 
TEXT: 3× Mega form duration

RESOURCE ID: mega_raid_event 
TEXT: Mega Raids Challenge 

RESOURCE ID: mega_raids_increase 
TEXT: Increased number of raids

RESOURCE ID: mega_raid_event 
TEXT: Mega Raids Challenge 

RESOURCE ID: mega_raids_increase 
TEXT: Increased number of raids

A series of Mega Challenges

Photos and Poffins

RESOURCE ID: photobomb_special 
TEXT: Event-themed Photobombs 

RESOURCE ID: poffin_duration_double 
TEXT: 2× Poffin Duration

Submissions for Photobombs for events and extended duration of Poffin

Conclusions and speculations

It certainly seems like they’re very close to releasing the Mega Pokémon, and we potentially know a little more about how they evolve.

It turns out that your friendship level with your Pokémon can affect how much Mega Energy you need to develop it, so it may be a good idea to level up your friendship with at least one of each of the Kanto starters and a beedrill to prepare for their release.

That’s all for now coaches. The Mega’s are coming, prepare yourself !!

Stay out of it safely.