Damn Review: Lady of the Lake Rules in Netflix’s New King Arthur Story

The Lady of the Lake may be the most mysterious figure in the tradition of King Arthur. Depending on the count, it appears under different names, most commonly Nimue, but sometimes Vivianne or Ninianne, among others. Her level of involvement in the Arthurian story varies from version to version: sometimes she kidnaps Merlin, sometimes she marries one of the knights, sometimes she does not appear beyond her initial role. The only constant is that she hands the Excalibur magic sword to Arthur, taking a small role in his overall story.

Damned, based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler (who also serve as showrunners), sets out to give the enigmatic sorceress agency and a story of its own, turning it from a one-note hero to a complicated and powerful character. Miller and Wheeler struggle a bit in building the world, even in 10-hour episodes, and they hesitate about how much Arthurian knows they want their audience to know. But with DamnedThey manage to give their heroine a satisfying arc from Outcast to Leader, while infusing more life into other common Arthurian characters such as the Lesser Knights and Sorceress Morgana.

Damned he follows the Lady of the Lake when she is still known as Nimue. She is a young and powerful woman, but her people reject her, fearing her connection to the magical spirits of the forest, known as the Hidden Ones. Nimue (Katherine Langford of 13 reasons why and Knives out) is entrusted with the Sword of Power after the genocidal red paladins killed his mother. Sent from the Catholic Church, the Paladins seek to destroy all the Fey. Nimue’s mother tells her to bring the sword to Merlin, so, with the help of the handsome mercenary Arthur (Devvon Terrell), he sets off.

[[[[Ed. Note: This review contains minor spoilers for Season 1 of Damned.]

Katherine Langford emerges from the lake with a sword in Damn

Image: Netflix

There are many more elements at work beyond Nimue’s quest: Northern Viking hordes threaten the power of King Uther, and the animosity humans feel towards the Fey continues to grow as the power of the Red Paladins grows. Many moving narrative parts stimulate Nimue’s journey, and some of them are carried out more delicately than others.

Tradition sometimes comes with little or no explanation, and often raises more questions than it answers. On the shallowest note, Nimue is one of the Fey, but in the early episodes, none of the Fey really look any different than normal humans, except Nimue, when he gets mad. The show later features more Fey, some with horns and antlers, some with snakeskin. Certain clans seem more human than others. But Miller and Wheeler don’t do much preliminary work to establish who the Feys are before we know that the Red Paladins are ready to kill them all. Unforeseen comments that acknowledge that not all Fey have animal characteristics come too little too late.

But those are only criticisms at the surface level. The construction of the world is really complicated when Merlin meets magical figures in all dimensions. Mythical characters and magical elements don’t need to be explained in heavy-handed speeches “How do you know …”, but when it comes to Merlin’s story, the creators don’t seem to understand that there is a middle ground between overly didactic explanations and dropping Merlin in the middle of an alternative dimension that never receives a name, where he speaks with a little-known mythological figure who has no background. The frustrating thing is that there are moments on the show that strike that balance, like Arthur’s sister Morgana, who slowly learns more about a mysterious Celtic figure.

Damned It does not require extensive knowledge of the Arthurian legend, although being familiar with some of the names that appear here will make certain revelations more satisfying. (However, staunch Arthurian purists may find the spectacle aggravating.) DamnedCreators vary in what they want their audience to know about the Arthurian myth, especially considering how much they change it. The minor mythological figures mentioned appear without much explanation of who they are or what they are capable of, or are explained so thoroughly that even people who don’t stay up at night in Wikipedia folklore will still understand. Knowing that Nimue will eventually become the Lady of the Lake makes her story even more tragic, especially knowing that Arthur is destined to take the sword he wields and rise without it. But knowing the stories of some of the knights and other characters could detract from their new roles, or make them more narratively frustrating.

Nimue next to Arthur

Photo: Netflix

The world’s awkward construction aside, the best parts of the show don’t come from epic battles, political intrigue, or powerful magic, but from its character arcs. After the first episode introduces the main actors, the show tends to split between Nimue, Arthur, and Merlin. While Merlin’s screen time has more to do with the dominant political powers at stake, Nimue and Arthur return to their personal and emotional journeys.

At first, Arthur has the most satisfying story, and he’s certainly a scene thief. He is a mercenary, tormented by his father’s debts, and has done some suspicious things in the past. In general, he defends his own neck. Terrell imbues his performance with mischievous charm and an easy smile. It is easy to see why Nimue is in love with their first meeting. But Arthur quickly runs away when things get tough. The third episode reveals part of his backstory as well as his most despicable demeanor, but he grows from there and, in the middle of the season, finds something to fight for. The series then revolves around Arthur proving that a human can be a champion for the Feys, setting the scene for their final destination.

Nimue is slower to grow. She starts out as the village outcast, and her main motivation for the first half of the series is to fulfill her mother’s death wish and bring the sword to Merlin, something the public knows is a bad idea, because we have the advantage. to see Merlin’s point of view. Throughout the show, however, she meets more Fey and learns more about the sword and her own powers. It is satisfying to see her grow up from a shy young woman who just wants to leave her town to someone who defends her people, and that change comes at a credible rate. Langford plays the role of ostracized Nimue well, managing her character’s slow shift to heroism. Nimue does not magically transform into a fearless rebel leader. It takes her time to find the courage she needs, but when she does, she feels won.

Miller and Wheeler finally achieve what they seem to be aiming for Damned. They turn the enigmatic woman from the Arthurian legend into a compelling character, making her complicated and dynamic. Nimue’s role in the legend of King Arthur might be to give her a powerful sword, but in. Damned, she is the heroine of her own story, and Arthur takes a supporting role. Her story may ultimately be tragic, but she still focuses on it.

The first season of Damned It is currently streaming on Netflix.