Daisy Ridley says she did not get much work right after finishing Star Wars

Jonathan Olley / © 2019 Lucasfilm Ltd.

One would assume that Daisy Ridley, the face of a multi-billion dollar global blockbuster franchise, would swim in job offerings to the pinnacle of the latter Star Wars trilogy with The rise of Skywalker. (This, in fact, was also for the COVID-19 pandemic that stopped Hollywood.) That, the actress says, was not the case.

In a recent interview with Weekly entertainment about her voice role in the video game time-loop Twelve minutes, Ridley looks back on her thoughts after she wrapped up Rey’s film story and how there was a slight panic when “nothing came in the first few months” Rise of Skywalker hit cinemas in December 2019.

“It was so sad to end [Star Wars], “she says of Zoom from London.” When the movie was released, I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ It was such an enormous chapter. And, strangely, the past few months of not much … Of course it’s really fun to work now, but not much [at the time] I feel like I’ve been processing for the last five years. To be forced to slow down, it was mentally good for me because [Star Wars was] a big thing in my life. “

“Strange, at the beginning of the year nothing came through,” she continues. “I was like, ‘Aww! Nobody wants to hire me.'” Ridley later remarks how “there were actually a lot of things I auditioned for at the beginning of the year and no one did. of received. “

“I had that moment of ‘Oh my god!’ and then just thought ‘everything at its right time’, ”she says.

In late February, early March, “things started to pick up.” It was around that time that she got a call Twelve minutes.

Ridley pulls out a woman with her husband, who is trapped in a time slot, in the Xbox and PC game Twelve minutes, published by Annapurna Video Games Division. With both characters nameless (it’s part of the mystery), this man, pronounced by Chapter two‘s James McAvoy, is witnessing a stranger with weaponsThe LighthouseWillem Dafoe) burst into his apartment and attacked his wife for some complaints in the past. The man is then forced to relive the past 12 minutes until he can figure out the mystery surrounding this event and, hopefully, stop it from happening at all.

Ridley now has a few other vocals on her record, including Baba Yaga, an interactive animated film for the Oculus Quest virtual reality platform starring Jennifer Hudson, Kate Winslet, and Glenn Close. Ridley will also be lending her talents to an original Audible series, Islanders, by playwright Elinor Cook.

Scripts for other potential projects got in the way of London’s quarantine pandemic. “There have been great things,” says Ridley, “and of course no one knows when they will go.” Certain projects, e.g. Jurassic World: Dominion en The Girlfriend Experience season 3, are currently filming in the UK with extra security measures, but that is not currently the norm for most productions.

“There’s one thing I will do that is super dark,” she teases. “I was like, ‘Do we need anything this dark?’ But it’s also really interesting and about memory and everything is a bit fragmented. I definitely feel like what I want to see and I think being part of it is something with some fun. That’s what people need. “

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