Daisha Riley, producer of Good Morning America, dies at 35: Robin Roberts and Michael Strahan pay tribute

the Good morning america team mourns loss of “world class producer” Daisha Riley.

Riley an Emmy-winning producer who worked on the show for over a decade, died “suddenly and unexpectedly”, co-host Michael Strahan confirmed live on air on Tuesday. Riley was 35 years old. The program did not reveal more details about her death.

In tribute to her life and work at ABC, where she started as an associate producer, Good morning america He honored Riley with a news package about who he was and what he was doing behind the scenes.

“She rose in rank over the years on our show, working on stories that have made many of you, our viewers, smile and cry,” Strahan said. “Her legacy lives on with a powerful voice that she shared through the narrative.”

“You may not have known the name of Daisha Riley,” he continued, “but if you looked GMA For the past 14 years, trust us, you saw her amazing work, because Daisha liked nothing more than telling a story to America. ”