Daily California coronavirus cases are exacerbated by epidemic development

The daily average cases of coronavirus in California have tripled in the past month, an analysis of the Times found that the epidemic situation has deteriorated dramatically across the state.

The corovirus is now more prevalent in California than in the earlier stages of the ColiVide-19 epidemic, raising concerns about a new peak of coronavirus-related deaths by Christmas.

As of Saturday night, more than 11,500 new coronavirus cases have been reported in California in a single day in the last seven days, three times more than the previous figure in the previous 21-month period, which was about 3,200, according to a Times analysis.

Even in the summer, leading to the season with California’s worst COVID-19 mortality, the average daily number of coronaviruses never exceeded 10,000 in a seven-day period.

The analysis found that COVID-19 hospital admissions have doubled in the past month. And the death of Kovid-19 has been on the rise in recent days. In the past week, the average Californian has reported 65 deaths, an increase of more than 0% over the previous two weeks, with an average of 43 fat deaths per day.

The rate at which people in California are testing positive for coronavirus has risen dramatically in the past week – an indication of the rapid spread of the highly contagious virus. On Saturday, the coronavirus positivity rate reached 6.1%, which is 1 Nov. The daily rate was double that of 2.98%.

On Saturday, San Diego and San Bernardino counties recorded the most single-day coronavirus cases in epidemic history, health officials said.

Los Angeles County is now in the process of crossing the monstrous marker that will require closing outdoor restaurant dining areas earlier this week. As of Saturday night, LA County had reported an average of 90,907 cases a day in the last five days, nearly double the figure just two weeks earlier, according to the Times analysis.

On Saturday, the daily case count crossed 4,000 and continued its erratic trend. On Saturday, on, 3877 coronavirus cases were reported, according to the Independent Times Tally of Coronavirus; On Friday, 4,158 were reported; And on Thursday, 4,943 was a one-day record.

If LA County receives an average of 1,000,000 cases a day during the five-day period, officials say they will need to close the outdoor restaurant dining area, which for the first time since May will ban outdoor gifts only to provide meals. Officials said they plan to give three days notice before such a new health order becomes effective.

And while LA County should handle an average of 50,000 cases per day over a five-day period, officials have warned they will impose a spring-style stay-at-home order.

Daily deaths are also on the rise in LA County. On Saturday, an average of 23 Los Angeles County residents were found to be dying from COVID-19 per day compared to the previous seven days; The figure has doubled since early November, when about 11 people were dying in a single day.

There are several reasons for the sudden surge in coronavirus cases in California, where it increased in late October.

These include cold weather, which encourages people to stay indoors; Increased travel to other hard-hit states; Gatherings to watch the NBA Finals and World Series won by the Lakers and Dodgers, respectively; Halloween; Election-related protests and celebrations; General increase in social gatherings; Increased workplace outbreaks; A premature feeling or fear of an epidemic has passed; And fatigue and resentment of continuing with COVID-19 safety precautions, according to state and local health officials.

In all, 1.1 million cases of coronavirus have been reported in California and more than 18,700 people have died. Nationally, more than 12 million coronavirus cases have been diagnosed and U.S. More than 255,000 people have died in.

Federal, state and local officials are urging people to stay home for Thanksgiving and abandon Thanksgiving travel plans to avoid spreading the virus in celebration. The virus can be transmitted by people who feel completely healthy and never get sick.

The travel advice issued by California in mid-November urged residents to avoid traveling outside the state and quarantines those who come from outside the state for 14 days, meaning they should stay as long as possible to stay at home or elsewhere. Order food on time and by delivery.

Barbara Ferrer, LA County’s director of public health, urged college students living on campus not to return home for Thanksgiving vacation. Students who return home for a month or more should be kept separate in as many separate rooms as possible for a 14-day period, he said. If they haven’t returned home yet, he advised that it’s too late for them to attend the communal Thanksgiving celebration, which puts the rest of the family and friends at risk of spreading the virus.

Officials say it is safest to have a Thanksgiving celebration only among family members. For those who wish to invite others to a gathering from outside the home, the state health order states that in most areas of the state such gatherings must be outside, in which the host and guests do not come from more than three households, people from different households. Kept six feet from the other, and told everyone to wear a mask when not eating or drinking. In LA County, those gatherings are attended by more than 15 people.

COVID-19 has killed more than twice as many people in LA County as it did in the previous cold and flu season. LA County Health Mufiser Dr. This should serve as a serious demonstration of how much more dangerous this COVID-19 is than the flu, Mantu Davis said Thursday.

Last week, Los Angeles County advised people to stay home as long as possible for the next two to three weeks. On Friday, a new health order came into force that ordered non-national businesses and rest restaurants with outdoor dining areas to keep their doors closed to the public between 10pm and 6pm; However withdrawal and delivery services may continue overnight.

On Saturday, California’s new limited overnight stay-at-home order was implemented in the highly restricted COVID-19 level counties, covering 94% of California’s population. Its summer is supposed to be much less intrusive than the statewide stay-at-home order applied in the spring and is designed to prevent late night drinking and group gatherings, where restrictions are lowered, masks are removed and the virus spreads easily.

The order prohibits all gatherings between people from different households from 10 pm to 5 am and all compulsory activities outside the home with other household members.

The order allows people to shop overnight at their home to buy groceries, pick up snacks, walk dogs and work for essential businesses, including working in restaurants serving food for pick-up and delivery.

Experts say similar restrictions imposed by government orders on late-night activity in Europe have helped increase the number of coronaviruses there.

There has been a surge in cases across the state. Here’s an analysis by area between selected counties in California’s most populous areas as of Saturday night. A more detailed analysis for all 58 counties in California can be found on the Times’ California Coronavirus Tracker website.

Southern California

San Diego County: An average of more than 1,000 coronavirus cases have been reported every day in the last seven days, almost four times the figure a month ago. On Saturday, 1,478 coronavirus cases were reported, the highest ever recorded in a single day in a San Diego County epidemic.

Orange County: In the last seven days, an average of 50,050 cases of coronavirus have been reported every day, almost four times as many as six weeks ago. On Friday, 1,169 cases were reported, the highest single-day figure since the beginning of July.

Riverside County: In the last seven days, an average of more than 60,000 cases of coronavirus have been reported every day, more than double the number a month ago.

San Bernardino County: On an average, more than 1,460 new coronavirus cases are reported every day in the last seven days. That figure is six times worse than the rate about a month ago, when San Bernardino County had more than 235 coronavirus cases per day over an average of seven days. On Saturday, 2,873 coronavirus cases were reported, the highest single-day epidemic in San Bernardino County to date.

Ventura County: On an average, more than 220 cases of coronavirus are reported every day in the last seven days, almost four times the figure a month ago. More than 400 new infections were reported on Friday.

Bay area

San Francisco: On an average, more than 115 coronavirus cases have been reported every day in the last seven days, four times as many as in mid-October. On Friday, 210 cases were reported, the third-highest single-day match ever in the epidemic, and the deadliest since July.

Santa Clara County: In the last seven days, an average of more than 404040 cases of coronavirus have been reported every day, three times more than a month ago. On Friday, about 400 cases were reported, the fourth-worst single-day epidemic and the worst since August Gust.

Alemada County: On an average, more than 230 coronavirus cases have been reported every day in the last seven days, almost three times the rate a month ago.

Contra Costa County: An average of 200 coronavirus cases have been reported daily in the last seven days, almost three times the rate a month ago.

San Mateo County: An average of more than 100 coronavirus cases have been reported every day in the last seven days, more than double the rate since the beginning of November.

Middle valley

Sacramento County: On an average, more than 30,030 cases of coronavirus have been reported every day in the last seven days, more than triple the rate since the beginning of November.

Fresno County: On an average, more than 275 cases of coronavirus have been reported every day in the last seven days, more than double the rate two weeks ago.

Kern County: On an average, more than 260 cases of coronavirus are reported every day in the last seven days, four times more than six weeks ago.