Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Tracing is not available on Launch at AMD Raden

CD Project Raid yesterday unveiled some new Cyberpunk 2077 Ray tracing footage, in addition to revealing the game’s ultimate PC system requirements for the much-anticipated first-person open world role-playing game.

The Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Tracing specs only mentioned NVIDIAII Gadforce RTX graphics cards, the brand new AMD Radion RX6000 graphics cards also offer hardware-accelerated Ray tracing.

This prompted a user to ask Markin Momot, community manager at CD Project Red, about AMD hardware, and ray tracing specs for Momot. Replied Although the feature will not be available for the Raden GPU at launch, Studio is working on making it as soon as possible.

Now, this is not a case of NVIDIAI proprietary features or anything like that, as it was recently confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 Ray Tracing is based on the open DXR API of micro .ft. We then have two options: the CD project takes its time to optimize the re-traced features for Red AMD’s various architectures, or is this just a product of a marketing deal made with NVIDIA.

Not long ago we saw the same thing with the Godfather. That game was featured in a marketing deal with AMD and its ray tracing features (shadows, in particular), launched only on AMD radioon graphics cards, with users of NVIDIAI GeForce getting it soon.

Hopefully, this isn’t the beginning of a steady stream of timely specific ray tracing effects based on the game’s marketing deal, as it will be annoying.

At any rate, going back to Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing, let’s reconsider what effects will be featured in the title. The NVIDIA DLSS will also be available, of course, enhancing performance across the board.

Ray-trace diffusion illumination – It receives sky radiance as well as MCV lighting from various surfaces, which is difficult to achieve with traditional rendering techniques. When enabled, billboards and other illuminated surfaces and objects will brighten their surroundings with natural ambient light, and the sun and moon will actually illuminate the Night City.

Ray-traced reflection – In Cyberpunk 2077, Ray-traced reflection is used on all surfaces and can detect ranges up to several kilometers, enabling real reflection over wide visual distances. They are present on both opaque and transparent objects and surfaces to mimic the way light is reflected from a glossy and metallic surface by tracing a single bounce of reflection rays against the scene.

Ray-trace ambient oxidation – In Cyberpunk 2077, Ambient ambiguity detected by rays can be used with local lights for roughly local shading effects where shadows are missing, greatly improving the quality of the ambient ambient effect.

Ray-trace shadows – In Cyberpunk 2077, Directing shadows from the light of the sun and the moon are added to the game depending on the strength of the light, the scattering of light by the clouds and other factors.