CURL: PC Police finally cuts the Redskins’ scalp, goes to ‘low fruit’

Have you ever pulled that loose thread from your sweater? Everything falls apart.

That is the state of America today, with the Politically Correct Police pulling on every thread hoping to unravel, well, everything.

This summer, they came, again, for the Washington Redskins, and this time they were successful. The NFL team announced Monday that it will yield to pressure from the left, which claims the Redskins’ name is offensive to the American Indian, and that it will change the name and logo of its 87-year-old team.

But here are a couple of facts (not that those matter today). A survey in May found that nine out of 10 American Indians are not offended by the name, The Washington Post reported. And the son of Walter “Blackie” Wetzel, the Native American whose 1971 Redskins logo design depicts John “Two Guns” White Calf, a Blackfoot chief who also appears on the buffalo nickel, said the mascot is not offensive.

About the pet change, Lance Wetzel said: “It takes away the Native Americans. When I see that logo, I am proud. You look at the representation of the Redskins logo and it’s from a real Native American. I always felt like I represented my people. “

But forget all that. The PC police, who have been on the road to war lately (can you still say that?), Had decided that the name was offensive. And it is clear that they will never stop. The language police have no limit to what they find offensive, and until they eliminate everything they consider objectionable, no one will be safe.

Consider this: The Oxford Dictionary defines the phrase “low fruit” as “a thing or person that can be earned, obtained, or persuaded with little effort.”

But a university professor says no, he is racist.

“For African Americans, if you say ‘low fruit,’ we think lynching,” said Mae Hicks-Jones, an associate faculty member at Elgin Community College in Illinois.

“Grandpa” is also racist, he said, according to a report this week in The College Fix. For Mrs. Hicks-Jones, the phrase “grandfather” is reminiscent of a grandfather clause, which privileged the right of whites to vote over that of blacks during Jim Crow South.

Then there is the “Masters” golf tournament. Last month Rob Parker wrote a deadline article titled “We have lived under the name ‘The Masters’ for a long time.”

“Augusta National was built on land that was once a slave plantation and was owned by a slave owner. And according to a 2019 New York article on the course, enslaved blacks are believed to have been housed on the property, ”he wrote.

You will be surprised to know that there is more.

The world’s largest cosmetic company announced last month that it will remove words like “whitening,” “fair,” and “lightening” from the packaging of its products.

“The L’Oreal Group has decided to remove the words white / whitening, fair / equitable, light / lightening from all of its night skin products,” the French cosmetics giant said in a statement, according to The Associated Press.

Even food brands are under attack. Quaker Oats announced last month that it would remove Aunt Jemima from its 133-year-old pancake mix and syrup brand, while the company that makes Cream of Wheat said it is reviewing its brand and packaging, which has a chef. Black man holding a very hot bowl of cereal.

“B&G Foods, Inc. announced today that we are initiating an immediate review of the Cream of Wheat brand packaging,” the company said in a statement. “We understand that there are concerns regarding the Chef’s image, and we are committed to evaluating our packaging and will take proactive steps to ensure that we and our brands do not inadvertently contribute to systemic racism.”

Meanwhile, the company that produces Uncle Ben’s rice said that “now was the right time to evolve” the brand. Its package features an elderly black man in a tuxedo next to his trademark that says “Perfect every time.”

Mars Inc., Uncle Ben’s parent company, said in a statement that, as a global brand, “we know we have a responsibility to help us end racial prejudice and injustice.”

Yes, rice is racist. Especially white rice.

Even the word “racism” is racist, at least according to a 22-year-old woman who recently graduated with a degree in law, politics and society. Kennedy Mitchum complained about the definition, so Merriam-Webster, a dictionary that is almost 190 years old, decided to change the entry.

“I basically told them that they must include that there is systematic oppression in people,” said the recent graduate of Drake University. “It is not just ‘I don’t like someone’, it is a system of oppression for a certain group of people.”

Of course, this is not over. And it never will be. Once the PC police wield their social justice batons, everything is in jeopardy.

Wait, can you still say that?

* Joseph Curl ran the Drudge Report from 2010 to 2014 and covered the White House for a dozen years. He can be reached at [email protected] and on Twitter at @JosephCurl. A version of this article was previously published in The Washington Times.

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