Covid in Scotland: Strict sanctions expected ‘within the day’

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Media CitationCovid in Scotland: FM says stricter bans expected ‘within days’

Additional lockdown sanctions will be “almost certainly” placed in Scotland over the next few days, said Nicola Sturgeon.

Speaking at his daily briefing, the first minister said “rapid and urgent action” was needed to stop the spread of the virus.

Mrs Sturgeon indicated that the next sanctions package would be announced within 48 hours.

A total of 255 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.

Representing the tested of..3%, the “positivity rate” on the third day has gone up to more than 5% – which is the main benchmark for controlling the virus, according to the World Health Organization.

While no new deaths have been reported, the number of people being treated at the hospital has risen to 73, an increase of 10.

Ms Sturgeon said: “I need to be very direct with the people of Scotland as a whole. In the next few days, additional restrictions will almost certainly be placed in Scotland.

“Hopefully this will be with the alliance of the four countries, but it will have to happen without it if necessary.”

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He said a meeting of the UK government’s Cobra Emergency Committee would be held, and after the briefing he would speak directly to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Ms Sturge added: “In this call, I would like to impress the Prime Minister on my view that our personal responsibilities, given the coordinated action in the UK, we need as decisively, urgently and as far as possible.

“I will make it clear that I am willing to give a little more time to the four-nation talks before making a final decision for Scotland, but I will make it very clear that the urgency of this situation means we cannot, should not and will wait too long. No. “

The first minister said he would make a statement to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday or Wednesday.

It really is a crucial time in the path of this virus. The cases are coming at a time when we are heading towards winter and the NHSA will also have to deal with seasonal flu.

The first minister says there are “difficult decisions” to be made in this trade. We are being told to be prepared for more restrictions on daily life.

The government says keeping schools open and protecting the NHS is a priority, so what else is there to offer?

The government’s own advisers have said travel restrictions and pub curfews could be a feature.

We are in unfamiliar waters and no one can predict what winter will bring.

What is clear is that we all have to find ways to live with this virus for much longer than the next six months.

Ms Sturz did not give any details on what new sanctions would be imposed, but said the government was “very close to the issue of decision”.

“At the heart of this decision is a simple truth – the longer we wait for new solutions to be introduced, the longer these measures are likely to be implemented.”

“If we move faster now to get the virus back under control, we will be able to reduce the costs we incur under all new restrictions.”

Public Health Specialist Pro. Linda Bould said potential options could include travel bans and curfews or restrictions on hospitality.

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Media CitationPro. Linda Bould: Hospitality Curfew and Travel Control ‘Potential Options’

Ms Sturgeon added that there would be financial support for those in need of self-segregation, especially for low-income people.

While large fines for non-compliance were being considered, he said “removing barriers” to self-isolation was a better way.

He said: “No one should be forced to choose between self-segregation for the collective good and paying their rent and feeding their families.

“If this is the choice of those people, it should come as no surprise to us that the level of compliance will be lower than we need.”

The first minister added that the “collective action” of the summer months would not have been in vain, and that the death toll would have been “significantly higher” without it.

“We’re in a much stronger position now than we would be without it – but none of them were magic wands that got rid of the virus.”

“So as we face winter, as we face the acceleration of the case again, we must act to keep it under control.”

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Sir Patrick Vallens, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, had earlier warned that there could be 50,000 new coronaviruses a day by mid-October without further restrictions. This could lead to as many as 200 deaths in a UK-wide day by mid-November.

Gregor Smith, Scotland’s interim chief medical officer, said cases in Scotland were almost doubling every seven to nine days.

Asked about suggestions that the new sanctions could last up to six months, Mr Sturgeon said “this is the length of time that we all live with some restrictions, but it doesn’t require the same limits, the same intensity. That period.”

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said people need to heed “full warnings” about the virus.

“It’s true that our governments are working together to eliminate this, because this is an issue that we need to take to the top,” he said.