COVID-19 study suggests that lasting heart damage is likely for many

Illustration of a neon purple coronavirus cell in the center of a heart outline
Illustration of a neon purple coronavirus cell in the center of a heart outline

A previously unknown threat from the coronavirus has come to light according to a study published Monday in the journal Cardiology. The researchers found that the virus can damage the heart muscle, even when the case of COVID-19 was mild.

The study examined 100 patients who had recently recovered from COVID-19, 28 of whom required oxygen supplementation and two of whom received respirators. There were pre-existing conditions including mixed high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes in the group, but no previously known heart failure or cardiomyopathy was known. Of the group, 78 showed damage to the heart.

Given the pressing burden of the current COVID-19 crisis, as well as the start of longitudinal care models for those recovering from COVID-19, the concerns we are raising are not theoretical but practical and require our due diligence to study and prepare for what may be another dimension of the COVID-19 crisis. – Clyde Yancy, MD, MSc, study author

Related:Download The Mighty app to connect in real time with people who can relate to what’s going on.

The first lines: As shown on a cardiac MRI, more than three-quarters of the study participants had visual signs of damage to the heart muscle. Sixty of them had signs of persistent inflammation in the heart. Participants were between the ages of 45 and 53, and two-thirds of them had recovered from their COVID-19 symptoms at home. Damage was constant across the group despite pre-existing conditions and did not appear to be related to the severity of their illness.

  • Inflammation of the heart is called myocarditis and one of the causes is viral infection.

  • COVID-19 has been shown to infect organs throughout the body. Organs other than the heart that may be affected include the lungs, liver, brain, kidneys, and intestines.

  • The study suggested that the effects of the coronavirus may persist long after the virus has left the body.

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S.

A powerful voice: One thing that is starting to get more attention now is how COVID-19 can hold up, in some cases for weeks or months. Our contributor Jennifer Diamond engages with people who experience chronic coronavirus symptoms as people with chronic illnesses.

Related:Wearing a mask is not a ‘personal decision’

“This is not your fault. Pain, fatigue and difficulty processing information are not your fault. This is not ‘in your head’. This is not weakness. You are not ‘hysterical’ or exaggerate. When you explain the dozens From mysterious symptoms to doctors, family, couples, friends, and colleagues, some shake their heads and reply, “It just can’t be true.” Believe in your body. You can also send your story in first person.

Add your voice: Join The Mighty Coronavirus group by downloading our application or comment below.

Other things to know: COVID-19 continues to shape our world, particularly as we prepare for children to return to school. Learn how other members of the The Mighty community are coping during these changing days:

Related:COVID-19 can cause hair loss

How to take action: To avoid the type of heart damage the researchers found in this study, prevention remains the best strategy to protect yourself against the coronavirus. According to the CDC, the best tool is to avoid exposing yourself to the virus through:

  • Frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizers

  • 6-foot social distance between you and people who do not live in your home

  • The use of cloth face masks is for public use (cloth face covers should not be placed on young children under the age of 2 years, anyone who is having trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or unable to remove the mask without help).

  • Cover coughs and sneezes, throw used tissues in the trash, and wash your hands right away.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily

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