COVID-19 in Montana (Tuesday, July 21)

GREAT FALLS – Health officials reported 97 new cases of COVID-19 in Montana on Tuesday morning, according to the Montana Response COVID-19 Tracking Map, and a new death.

Governor Steve Bullock announced last Wednesday a statewide directive requiring masks / masks in Montana. The directive is effective immediately in counties that have four or more active COVID-19 cases. The directive requires that masks be worn in most indoor settings and where social distancing cannot be maintained. Bullock said companies will have the right to deny entry to anyone who does not wear a mask. Click here for details on the policy..

Note: The numbers reported by the state each day sometimes differ from those reported by county public health departments due to periodic delays in submitting data to the state. The numbers below are from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services on Tuesday, July 21:

  • TOTAL CASES AND RECOVERIES: Now there has been 2,712 cumulative cases statewide, and 1,493 people have recovered from the virus.
  • HOSPITALIZATIONS Has been 174 hospitalizations for COVID-19 since the pandemic began; There are currently 49 hospitalized patients.
  • ACTIVE CASES: The state reports that there is currently 1,179 active cases of COVID-19 in Montana.
  • TESTS: The number of tests increased by 1,960 during the previous 24-hour reporting period, for a new cumulative statewide total of 141,002.
  • DEAD: The cumulative number of deaths in Montana is now 40.

The latest death is related to the Canyon Creek Memory Care facility in Billings, where a deadly COVID-19 outbreak has claimed 13 lives.

Gallatin County added the majority of new cases with 18, followed by Yellowstone County and Flathead County with 14 new cases each. Big Horn County added 12 new cases, and Lake County reported nine new cases. The remaining new cases were reported in 15 counties across the state (see below).

From the Cascade City-County Health Department in Great Falls on Tuesday: “We have two new cases today: a man in his 70s and a woman in his 40s. Several community members have asked about transmission of COVID-19 and mosquitoes. The World Organization for the Health (WHO) states: “To date there has been no information or evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus may be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that spreads mainly through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing. “

From the Pondera County Health Department Monday: “Pondera County has reached 5 active cases. This means that the Governor’s Mask Mandate is now in effect in Pondera County.”

New cases reported on Tuesday

County Gender Age range
Beaverhead METER 80-89
Beaverhead F 60-69
Beaverhead METER 80-89
Big horn METER 50-59
Big horn F 60-69
Big horn F 70-79
Big horn METER 50-59
Big horn METER 50-59
Big horn METER 50-59
Big horn F 20-29
Big horn F 40-49
Big horn METER 50-59
Big horn METER 10-19
Big horn METER 30-39
Big horn METER 10-19
Blaine F 70-79
Blaine METER 70-79
waterfall METER 20-29
waterfall F 40-49
Flat head METER 30-39
Flat head F 40-49
Flat head METER 20-29
Flat head METER 50-59
Flat head F 60-69
Flat head F 20-29
Flat head METER 20-29
Flat head F 60-69
Flat head F 50-59
Flat head F 50-59
Flat head METER 20-29
Flat head F 20-29
Flat head F 50-59
Flat head METER 30-39
Gallatin F 20-29
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 20-29
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 20-29
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 20-29
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin METER 50-59
Gallatin METER 20-29
Gallatin METER 40-49
Gallatin METER 30-39
Gallatin F 30-39
Gallatin F 10-19
Gallatin F 50-59
Gallatin F 20-29
glacier METER 30-39
hill F 30-39
hill METER 0-9
Jefferson METER 30-39
Jefferson F 20-29
lake F 40-49
lake METER 20-29
lake F 30-39
lake METER 60-69
lake F 10-19
lake METER 20-29
lake METER 40-49
lake METER 20-29
lake F 50-59
Madison F 20-29
Madison METER 70-79
Madison F 60-69
Missoula METER 20-29
Missoula F 20-29
Missoula METER 20-29
Missoula METER 40-49
Missoula METER 30-39
Park METER 40-49
Park METER 40-49
Ponder METER 40-49
Ponder METER 40-49
Ravalli F 20-29
Roosevelt F 50-59
Roosevelt METER 50-59
Sanders METER 70-79
Still water F 50-59
Sweet grass F 30-39
Yellowstone METER 30-39
Yellowstone F 60-69
Yellowstone F 40-49
Yellowstone F 90-99
Yellowstone METER 70-79
Yellowstone F 50-59
Yellowstone F 60-69
Yellowstone F 70-79
Yellowstone F 20-29
Yellowstone F 20-29
Yellowstone METER 20-29
Yellowstone METER 60-69
Yellowstone METER 20-29
Yellowstone F 20-29