COVID-19 ‘f-bomb’ defense application defended by Boston University

A trademark application from Boston University for a new student leadership initiative to promote COVID-19 safety is making waves this week for its use of the F-bomb.

The Boston Globe reported Wednesday that Boston University trustees have applied to the Patent and Trademark Office for the slogan “F — It Won’t Cut It.” To secure.


While the application stated that the message was intended to “encourage safe and smart action and behavior for college students and universities in a COVID-19 environment” when students return to campus, the university was forced to further defend its reasoning after the campaign appeared on school-affiliated social media accounts.

“This is a campaign by students who have the support of the university,” a BU spokeswoman said in a statement. “For technical reasons, the university had to register the mark.”

The mark was presumably the brainchild of a team of eight BU communication students who say the public health campaign is “raw” and “relatable” and “powerful”. They presented their ideas for July in July and were surprised by the outcome.

Kenneth Elmore, the associate provost and dean of students at the university, said the idea was well implemented and argued that a straightforward approach to communicating with students would be effective.

“Right now, we need it right away,” Elmore told The Boston Globe. “And I’m really glad they’ll be direct and also have the messages as their own.”

The creative advice will be posted on social media accounts – collaborating with influencers – and the group will also hang posters and stickers around classrooms.

The campaign’s Instagram page now has nearly 2,000 followers and shares TikTok videos on COVID-19 related topics such as wearing masks and dating in a pandemic. It uses the hashtag #fckitwontcutit.

“For students, by students * @ people who are ‘over’ covid * We are finally back. Let’s stay safe on campus and keep it that way,” is Twitter bio last.


While the school has recently come under pressure over its renewal plan for more than 35,400 students, it is making progress with a hybrid curriculum and a campus plan built on ongoing coronavirus testing and limitations.

According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, there are now more than 121,700 confirmed cases in Massachusetts with more than 8,750 deaths.

The US as a whole leads the world in both coronavirus infections, which number more than 5.2 million, and deaths. The pandemic claimed the lives of more than 166,000 Americans.