Covid-19 death toll: More than 500,000 people have died. A quarter of them are Americans

The latest death toll stands at more than 502,000, according to Johns Hopkins University data, as cases continue to rise and outbreaks appear in countries around the world.
The United States has the highest confirmed death count, having recorded at least 125,800 deaths, just over a quarter of the world total as of Monday, according to JHU.
More than 10.1 million people have been infected with the disease worldwide. In the past few days, the Covid-19 crisis has deepened in the U.S., where only two states, Connecticut and Rhode Island, have seen a recent decline in cases.

A staggering number of cases were reported last week in the staggering 36 US states in Florida, officials recorded 9,585 new cases on Saturday, a record one day since the start of the pandemic. On Sunday, the state reported another 8,530 new cases.

Weeks after many US states began reopening after the shutdown, at least a dozen have halted their plans to further ease the restrictions.

The governor of Texas, the second-most populous state in the US, halted the region’s gradual reopening plan on Thursday and ordered new restrictions on businesses, including bars.

Governors of states such as Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico, and North Carolina have announced that they will not proceed to the next stage of reopening.

Some governors have partially attributed their state waves to more widespread evidence, but former CDC chief Dr. Tom Frieden told Fox News on Sunday that the increase in cases across the southern US was due to that the country reopened too quickly.

Other countries that had begun to emerge from the closure are also struggling as officials grapple with local outbreaks.

In China, around 400,000 people in Anxin County, near Beijing, have been placed under closure measures after a small increase in cases in the area.

People in the area are only allowed to send one family member out of their home every day to buy supplies, and all locally unregistered vehicles are prohibited from entering the province, according to a local government statement.

Elsewhere, India has registered more than 100,000 new Covid-19 infections in the past six days as cases increase across the country. Fears about the situation in Delhi, where hospitals are struggling with a shortage of doctors and patient beds.

The nation’s health ministry said Monday that 548,318 people had been infected in total, while 16,475 had died.

Health workers arrive at a medical camp in a poor neighborhood in Mumbai, India on June 28.

Meanwhile, in Australia, authorities are trying to contain an outbreak in the state of Victoria. Health officials recorded 75 positive results on Sunday, the state’s largest daily increase in cases since March 30.

Victoria health officials have mounted a “test blitz” in the state and say they have conducted 53,000 tests in the area since the process began on June 25.

And in England there is a group in the city of Leicester. A legislator representing the area has called for a local closure in the city. Authorities have recorded 866 Covid-19 cases in the past two weeks in Leicester, according to the PA news agency.

Cases also continue to rise in Latin America, one of the key drivers behind the record increase in global cases in recent weeks.

Brazil reported 30,476 new cases in 24 hours on Sunday. The country has registered more than 1.3 million cases, but the reopening continues in cities like Rio de Janeiro.

In Mexico, the president announced that the nation’s capital Mexico City would gradually reopen on Monday, despite another 4,050 new cases being reported on Sunday. Mexico has the seventh highest number of Covid-19 deaths in the world, behind Spain.

Both Colombia and Peru also reported increasing cases. Colombia’s case count now stands at 91,995, and officials on Sunday recorded 167 new deaths, the highest number of daily deaths reported by the country since early June.

CNN’s Christina Maxouris, Eliott C. McLaughlin, Swati Gupta, Shawn Deng and Isaac Yee contributed to this report.
