Couple sues over ‘invasive’ photos in Los Angeles


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle filed a legal complaint alleging that paparazzi have used “intrusive” means such as drones and helicopters to obtain photographs of them and their 1-year-old son, Archie, at home since they moved to Los Angeles. , a sign that the intense scrutiny of the press that contributed to their leaving the United Kingdom seems to have followed them in the United States.


Their lawyer filed a criminal complaint Thursday on behalf of the couple in California, where they now live, which claims that the actions taken by some photographers have been “illegal” and “have crossed the red line for any parent.”

According to the presentation, Harry and Megan had to move house in North America after the British newspaper. The Daily Mail It published its location in Canada, then it happened again with its location in Los Angeles, which according to the complaint started the last round of media attention.

At their home in a gated community in Los Angeles, the couple alleges in the presentation that the paparazzi camped atop a hill above their home in hopes of taking a photo, flying drones and helicopters over the residence, and making holes. in a security. fence established to protect your privacy.

They claim to have heard that a photographer was buying photos of Archie allegedly taken on a family visit to Malibu, although Archie has not been made public “since the family arrived here,” the complaint says, adding that “it is clear from a description of the photographs … that were taken of activities in the backyard of the residence, “without the knowledge of Harry or Markle, which according to the complaint is illegal in California.

The complaint claims that the purchase of “invasive photos” of her son “is disgusting and wrong,” adding that the sale of those images only serves to encourage such behavior.

Because they are not sure who exactly has been taking their photos, Harry and Markle have sued “unidentified parties” in hopes of finding out who took the photos to stop them and signal potential buyers that the photos were taken illegally. complaint states along with monetary damages.


“The law guarantees all California individual and family members the right to privacy in their home. No drone, helicopter or telephoto lens can take away that right, “said her attorney, Michael Kump. Forbes in a statement on Friday. “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are filing this lawsuit to protect their young son’s right to privacy in their home without the intrusion of photographers, and to uncover and arrest those seeking to benefit from these illegal actions.”


Since Los Angeles is home to so many stars in the entertainment world, paparazzi have ample opportunity to sell photos of the daily activities of the rich and famous. In April, someone referred to by the pseudonym Mark Karloff told the Los Angeles Times He estimates that there are around 250 paparazzi working in the city, but that work has been slow since the pandemic began and celebrities began to stay home. Harry and Markle are far from being the first celebrities to try to sue paparazzi for alleged invasion of privacy, but in recent years, the tides have turned with the rise of social media as paparazzi have begun to undertake legal action against the stars who publish photos. of themselves taken by paparazzi for claims of copyright infringement, Buzzfeed reported. The Sussexs’ legal complaint is a continuation of their press problems throughout most of their relationship. During the first days of their relationship in 2016, Prince Harry issued a statement on “the wave of abuse and harassment” to which he said his girlfriend, Markle, was subjected to by the press, adding that some of them had “nuances racial “. “Since then, the couple has been involved in several lawsuits against the press, on charges ranging from hacked Harry’s voicemails to the execution of parts of a private letter from Markle to his father. A claim filed in early London This month he claims that “false and harmful items” caused Markle to experience “tremendous emotional distress and damage to his mental health.” Forbes reported. Harry and Markle officially resigned as working members of the royal family in March.