Cough Trump tells Hennity he is healthy and ready to rally

On Thursday, Trump began and ended his day at Fox. And, as those appeals to his base weren’t enough, he will also hold a “virtual rally” on Rush Limboho’s radio show on Friday afternoon.

In the morning, the president called for two journalists in the Fox business, a journalist-turned-psychopath, Maria Bertiromo. She could also be a Trump campaign spokeswoman at the moment. As Philip Bump of the Washington Post writes, she has “done a little more than a hype woman, establishing Trump with soft questions and encouraging her answers. This is not the first time she has played such a role, but it was remarkable.” Look at the scope of her unrest in challenging the President. “

Speaking to Bertiromo, Trump ran and shouted harsh words about his political enemies. He called on Attorney General Bill Bair to “convict these people of the crime,” specifically naming Barack Obama and J. Biden.

Hours later, after Trump’s meeting with Bertiromo, he lost one degree of memory. Jeffrey Tubin tweeted: “Just, so it’s clear. [Trump] Called for today [Obama] And [Biden] Charges will be filed and prosecuted. Have our standards come down yet that this kind of anti-democratic dictatorial behavior passes without criticism? Is this normal now? “

A cough Trump insists it’s good

During the nearly 25-minute conversation, Trump continued to focus on Sean Hanniti’s show from topic to topic, promoting conspiracy theories, inciting lies, and attacking Democrats and the media in about 25 minutes of conversation. But it was arguably the health of the president who took the center stage. During the interview, Henniti asked Trump twice if he had been tested for coronavirus since he became ill last week. It was a question that the President obviously could not answer. Trump instead said he would “probably” be tested on Friday. Medhi Hassan calmed down About the unanswered, “Mark the date, we’ve reached a point where even Sean Hannity is asking Trump simple questions that the president can’t answer.”

Trump’s comments about his health weren’t the only thing that drew attention. This was what the audience could hear at home. At least twice during the interview, Trump had to pause his sentences and clear his throat and cough. The president insisted he felt great, and claimed he had seen his doctors before and believed they were “in great shape.” But he is sure he did not hear the sound of healing, as he claimed to be.

… says he will rally on Saturday

“I think I’ll try to hold a rally on Saturday night. If we have enough time to put this together,” he told Hannity after Trump bragged about how great he felt and how he had been treated. We want to do it. Maybe a rally in Florida on Saturday night. Come back to Pennsylvania later in the night and do one. “His comments are linked to a report by Peter Baker and Maggie Heberman of the New York Times The beleagured “Trump” pleaded for help in resuming campaign rallies this weekend. “

>> REMINDER: The president’s doctor has not held a news conference since Monday to cut short a public discussion about Trump’s health and allow reporters to ask questions – as Trump, sick with coronavirus, coughing during a national TV interview Rally. This is an unacceptable level of transparency in the White House.

Trump on the Rush

From a strategic standpoint, I’ve always found it strange that Trump didn’t call nationally syndicated right-wing radio more often. Yes, Fox News reaches much of its base. But Rush Limboho is a powerhouse. Limboff, who was out of the air this week, during treatment, said Thursday that Friday would be “the biggest virtual rally in radio history.”

>> Brian Stalter adds: “I want to make some predictions here. There’s been a lot of discussion about whether Trump will start a TV network if he loses the election. If the speculation were true, would the media be wrong? -What if the profile talk ends with a radio jig? “

Talking about the influence of right-wing media …

CNN “Viewers who trust Fox News coverage more than CNN are less likely to take preventive action against the novel coronavirus and are more likely to put themselves at risk,” said a new study published Thursday in the BMJ Global Journal of Health.
Also this week, a new report from Pune found that 90% of Republicans who listen to Fox News or Talk Radio as the main source of political news said the country has also been able to control the outbreak. Even Fox loyalists feel the epidemic is over: “In early September, just as the main news sources with Fox News and / or Talk Radio,% news% people say the coronavirus has done a bigger deal than it really is.” Only a handful of Democrats have made similar statements …

Positive tests of a fourth member of the White House Press Corps

Another member of the White House Press Corps tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday – meaning four journalists are now infected with a West Wing swallowing outbreak. The White House correspondents’ organization emailed members to tell them that a reporter “got an initial positive result for COVID-19 today after a quick test.” The man is now awaiting PCR test results and is “currently asymptomatic.” According to the WHCA, one person was last seen at the White House on October 1, a week ago.

A version of this article was first published in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. You can sign up for free here.
