Coronavirus: WHO reports new infections increase daily record

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Hindustan Times

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India has the second highest number of confirmed cases in the world

The number of new coronavirus infections at the World Health Organization (WHO) has risen to a record one day, with 307,930 reported in 24 hours.

The death toll rose to more than 5,500, reaching 917,417 globally, the agency said.

The largest increases were in India, the United States and Brazil.

Worldwide, there are more than 28 million confirmed cases, half of which are in the United States.

The previous one-day record for new cases was September 6 when 306,857 new infections were reported by the WHO.

Where are the most extreme cases going?

According to the WHO, 72 new cases were reported in India on Sunday, followed by the U.S. 45 45,5૨23 and in Brazil, 43,7718 reported.

More than a thousand new deaths have been reported in the US and India, while Brazil said Kovid-19-related illness has killed 874 people in the last 24 hours.

U.S. Behind India is the second confirmed case in the world. Last week it reported nearly 20 million Kovid-19 cases in August, the highest monthly number in the world since the epidemic began.

According to official data, an average of 64,000 cases are seen in the country every day – an increase of 84% over the average daily cases in July. The death toll has been in the thousands every day since early September.

More than four million cases have been reported in Brazil, the third largest in the world. About 131,000 people have died in Latin America so far.

The U.S. holds the record for nearly a quarter of the world’s total number of coronavirus cases – more than six million. July saw an increase in the number of daily cases, but has since declined.

U.S. in Covid-19. Has the highest death toll, at more than 194,000.

What else is the situation?

Amid fears of a resurgence of the virus, the number of cases is increasing daily in all European countries.

Local lockdowns have been imposed in the worst-affected areas and new appeals have been made to people to wear facial insignia and follow social distance rules.

Other countries that have seen a resurgence of the virus include Peru, Israel, South Korea and Australia.

On Sunday, police in the Australian state of Victoria arrested more than 70 protesters. As many as 250 people in the city of Melbourne joined the protest, which was encouraged by social media groups sharing conspiracy theories about the epidemic.

Victoria Australia has been the epicenter of the Australian outbreak, with 75% of cases and 0% of deaths.

Israel, meanwhile, is set to impose a new lockdown across the country as coronavirus cases continue to rise. Jewish New Year – Strict ban will take effect on Friday and will last at least three weeks, officials said.

More than 153,000 confirmed infections and 1,108 deaths from Kovid-19 have been reported in Israel, according to figures obtained by Johns Hopkins University.