Coronavirus: UN makes record $ 10.3 billion to fight pandemic

A baby receives limited treatment at the Sabeen hospital in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen,Image copyright
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In Yemen, a quarter of all those who confirmed that they had the virus died from it.

The United Nations is calling for $ 10.3 billion (£ 8.2 billion) to help combat the coronavirus pandemic, its biggest call for fundraising.

The UN says that up to 265 million people could face starvation by the end of the year due to the impact of Covid-19.

The money will be used for fragile, low-income countries.

The UN warned that failure to act could undo decades of development. It initially requested $ 2 billion in its first coronavirus remedy in March.

The coronavirus pandemic is having a major impact on the world’s poorest, reports Imogen Foulkes of the BBC from Geneva.

  • Monitoring the global outbreak

This revised resource is a record, but according to the UN, wealthy countries have thrown out the book of financial rules to protect their own economies, and must now do the same for poorer nations.

If they don’t, the UN warns, the world faces a series of crises, with millions pushed into hunger.

  • Five reasons why it’s so bad in Yemen

Millions of migrant workers fired under lockdown cannot send money home, vaccination programs for childhood illnesses are suspended, and countries that have already suffered years of conflict are ill-equipped to handle Covid-19.

In Yemen, a quarter of all who confirmed having had the virus died from it, five times the world average.

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Media captionFive years of civil war have devastated Yemen’s medical system, and the spread of Covid-19 is not controlled

The UK Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) launched an appeal to help the world’s most vulnerable through the pandemic.

Fourteen charities, including Oxfam, Christian Aid, Islamic Relief and the British Red Cross, will unite to ask the British public to donate.

So far, more than 13 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed worldwide, and almost 600,000 people have died.