Coronavirus model predicts 224,000 deaths by November

A widely cited coronavirus model has raised its death projection to more than 224,000 deaths in November.

a group of people sitting around a car: The Associated Press

© The Associated Press
The Associated Press

The death toll in the US is currently over 136,000, meaning the nation will see approximately 88,000 additional deaths in the next three and a half months if the prediction comes true.

The previous update to the model, run by the University of Washington Institute for Health Measurement and Assessment, predicted approximately 16,000 fewer deaths by Nov. 1. The jump in the most recent estimate is due to new widespread infections and an increase in hospitalizations, according to IHME.

In Florida, which has been called the new epicenter of the virus in the US, the death toll is expected to reach 19,000 in November. The state currently reports 4,500 deaths from the virus.

However, if 95% of people in the US wore masks in public spaces, the IHME predicts that approximately 40,000 lives would be saved.

On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged Americans to wear masks in an editorial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

[[[[MAP: The spread of the coronavirus]

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a statement accompanying the editorial. “Cloth face liners are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus, particularly when used universally in a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families and their communities. “

The use of a mask is perceived by some as a political statement. President Donald Trump first wore a mask in public last weekend after refusing to do so since the outbreak in the U.S. occurred.

Copyright 2020 US News & World Report

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