Coronavirus Live News: One Million Deaths Worldwide; White House Covid Taskforce Disagreement Deepened | World News

According to an analysis of Reuters data over the past two weeks, coronavirus cases are on the rise in 300 of the US’s 0 states on Monday, the first time since August 2 that many states have been on the trend.

According to Reuters, reports from both North Carolina and New Mexico have risen for two consecutive weeks in nine of the reporting states.

New York State cases rose 4.4% so far in September, the smallest increase in the country.

Cuomo urged New Yorkers to be vigilant in mask-wearing and warned of the consequences if they do not comply.

“There’s no time to get tired because the virus isn’t tired,” he said.

The Midwest has emerged as the country’s new hotspot, with hospitalizations in several states.

Wisconsin set a record for two new cases last week and now reports more new infections every day than Florida. South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming have set records for new daily cases three times this month.

According to an analysis conducted using data from the Cocode Tracking Project, the positive rate has reached 26% in South Dakota, which is run by volunteers for outbreak efforts.

On Monday, the Wisconsin rate was 19%, according to the analysis; It was 16% in both Iowa and Missouri; 15% in Kansas; And 14% in Nebraska.

40,000 a week ago and 35,000 two weeks ago. An average of 45,000 new infections are being reported every day.

U.S. In about six weeks death usually tends to be down. Death is a chaotic indicator, however, and may increase several weeks after the increase in cases.
